Forgiveness and Restoration
How did David feel after committing adultery?
He was one who had walked with God
He was a leader of Israel
He penned many psalms
He tried to cover up his sin – explanation
He decided that Urriah must die – he committed adultery and murder
How did he feel – this man after God’s own heart?
Sin though pleasurable – always has consequences
Ps 38 and Ps 32
It hurts others
It grieves God
David does not lose sight of the mercy of God
He is convicted through Nathan the prophet
David confessed his sin and God forgave him
Ps 51 – His prayer of repentance
His repentance is linked with faith
He prays with confidence that God will forgive him
It is a model prayer for us
David’s Sincerity
He does not blame others
We often try to shift the blame to others, circumstances or justify our sin
v1/2 – notice the personal pronouns – “upon me”, “my transgressions”, “my iniquity”, “my sin”
We must confess our own sin before God
He recognises his sin is principally against God
God is willing to restore
David’s Brokenness
Ps 38:1-3
It seems to have affected his constitution – he is no longer strong, vigorous or healthy
Ps 38:4-7
This is not something he can snap put of
A positive mental attitude will not deal with his sin
Ps 38:7-10
He is deeply troubled
Ps 32:3-5
Though he suffered, God forgave him
v1-2 – David speaks of the wonderful forgiveness of sins – joy and blessing
Expressed in Ps 51:17
God loves a penatant child
David’s Confidence
His confidence in the love of God
He remembers God’s faithfulness towards him and Israel
He remembers God’s love and mercy
David did not have the full Bible – but could remember God’s forgiveness of Abraham, Lot, Aaron – examples
He knew the word of God and there was favour for the repentant sinner
In God there is mercy to cover all sin
David’s Cleansing
v1 – He wants complete cleansing – not even the smallest stain
Example of playing sports
v7 – Hyssop was used when a leper was pronounced clean
He could be whiter than snow
v10 – He asks for cleansing
Quote from Song ‘There is a fountain filled with blood’
He recognised the source of sin – v5 – not just his conversation or the actions
Something deep within
Something that he needs a deep cleansing
v16 – He knew that God did not just require sacrifice but a broken spirit and a contrite heart
We must knot just stop but come to Christ for cleansing
His one desire is to be restored, he wants to know fellowship again – v8
God restores the one who has fallen
v11 – He desires to be near God
We can grieve the Holy Spirit – David does not want to be cast from God’s presence
v14 – He wants to be delivered from the his guilt so that he can then sing God’s praise
Our sin can affect others
Remember the sin of Achan, Annais and Saphira
Sobering, but it should cause our eyes to rise up to God
Closing Remarks