Understanding Spiritual Gifts
Looking at 1 Cor 12:1-11
We are missing out 11:17ff because this is about Communion
Better to return to this at our next Communion Service)
Chapter 12 – beginning a new section 12-14
Speaks of spiritual gifts
One of the most controversial parts of the Bible today
People have very strong views about gifts
Charismatic churches
The central chapter (13) reminds us the key is Christian love
Reading from the UFM Statement
This should not become a point of division
This should not to cause problems
Reading Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Cor 12:1-11
Different gifts
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Revealed at Pentecost
Tongues of flame and speaking in tongues
The focus in Acts 3 is not on the manifestation but on what happened …
people were convicted of their sin and their need for Jesus Christ
3000 people were baptised
The Spirit had come to glory Christ
After Pentecost, the Holy Spirit continued to move in great power – examples
Acts 14:3
The signs and wonders were to attest the apostles were from God
They were to draw attention to the preaching of God’s word
Miracles were provided to establish a new church
In Corinth
Gifts were given to the local church – e.g. miracles, healings
Comparison between Romans and 1 Corinthians
The gifts given to one church were not the same as given to another church
The lists are not exhaustive
They had supernatural gifts yet they were an immature and carnal church
Paul had to write 1 Cor 13 – without love the gifts avail nothing
Chapter 13 is central to chapters 12 & 14
Differing gifts – one giver (v1-7)
Identifying gifts (v8-11)
Differing gifts – One giver (v1-7)
The Corinthians are mainly Gentiles – from a pagan background
They had followed idols – often in ignorance
They are not to be swept along by this ignorance (v1-3)
People were being carried along in church
Think about what people are saying
Consider what is a work of the Holy Spirit
Would anyone say Jesus is accursed?
There must have been false teachers
Diversity of gifts but only one Lord (v4)
There are different gifts given to the Church
No one person posses them all
No one can boast because the gift is given by God
No one should compare themselves to anyone, nor one church to another
The Trinity – Spirit (Holy Spirit), Lord (Jesus Christ), God (the Father) (v4-6)
Jesus ascended on high and gave gifts to men – Eph 4:8
All three persons of the trinity are involved
Any gifts are given for God’s glory
We should be careful in saying ‘aren’t they are gifted’
God has gifted people in other ways
The gifts are given for the profit of all (v7)
Example of Magus the Magician
For the building, edification and growth of the Church
Identifying gifts (v8-11)
The Word of Wisdom (v8)
An ability to read and weight complicated matters
Example of King Solomon
Jesus lived and did miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit
In His humanity he was limited
The Spirit gave Him words of wisdom
Example to the Pharisees, Sadducees, His teachings (“no-one spoke like Him”)
Examples today:
A word from God for a situation
Insights into the word of God
Bringing light into darkness
A gift to a few but not everyone because people have differing gifts
Given through the Spirit (v8)
Not just though study
The Word of Knowledge (v8)
Peter had a word of knowledge when Ananias and Sapphira came before him
The Spirit of God revealed this to Peter
Paul said that savage wolves would come
Paul preaching in Lystra saw a man had faith to be healed
Paul certain he would be delivered from prison
Does this happen today?
Of course it does
Example of Hudson Taylor
God gives this intermittently
A special understanding of the word of God
Always that the Church would be encouraged, edifying and for the prophet of all
Faith (v9)
Given by the same Spirit
Every child of God has faith – a gift from God
This is a difference faith – not saving faith in Jesus Christ
An extraordinary faith – a deep assurance and trusting in God
Example of George Muller
James 5:14-15
Miracles (v10)
God still does this today
Often in Missionary situations
They are not common
There seem to be epochs of miracles – times when they occur and when they did not occur
Moses – the exodus
Elijah and Elisha
Daniel and the time of the exile
The ministry of Jesus Christ (for 3 years)
Quantity, quality, power
Unprecedented miracles showing He was the Son of God
Time of the apostles – even in the book of Acts
This seems to be diminishing
Just as it happened
Healings (v9)
From sickness, disability and demon possession
We see this in the New Testament – example with Peter at the Beautiful gate
For the healing of the man and the subsequent proclamation of the gospel
No faith healers or healing campaigns
In fact, rare occasions in the New Testament often on virgin territory where the gospel had not been preached
Different from miracles – raising a person from the dead e.g. Eythcus, Dorcas)
It reminds us of the power of God
Healings seem to be diminishing in the New Testament
It is no longer needed – the letters of the apostles (the full revelation of God) had been given
Signs are no longer needed for confirmation
Additional Gifts
Discerning of spirits – to detect evil spirits
Tongues – is it speaking or hearing in a different language?
Always at the bottom of the list – 1 Cor 14:19
Prophecy and the forth-telling of God’s word is to be valued more than tongues
Interpretation of tongues – there must be an interpreter
We will look at this more in Chapter 14
Prophecy – the difference between Old and New Testament
Eph 2:20 – no more apostles, therefore no more prophets – since it was foundational
To look at this further next time
Closing Remarks
The Spirit distributes gifts as He wills (v11)
The life of the Church is dependent primarily on the work of God / the Spirit
Examples of gifts to the Roman Church
The work of the Church is primarily spiritual
Not about physical action or social care
Many gifts are speaking gifts to build up the people of God and to help understand revelation
We should pray for gifts
We need to stir up the gifts within us