September 25, 2022

Reconciliation and Forgiveness in the life of Joseph

Passage: Genesis 44:14-45:11
Service Type:

Reading Gen 45:4-7
Looking at Reconciliation and Forgiveness in the life of Joseph
Introductory comments

Sold as a slave aged 17
Came to prominence aged 30
There had been seven years of abundance
The famine had been present for 2 years
He has not seen his brothers for nearly 20 years

What did the brothers feel when Joseph revealed who he was

This is a wonderful example of reconciliation and forgiveness
Things we do can have long-term consequences


Jacob had gone to his relatives seeking a wife

He had been tricked into marrying another woman
He ended up with two wives which caused jealousy
There were favourite children
There was jealously amongst the family / brothers

The brothers hated Joseph and planned to kill him

Instead they sold him into slavery and told Jacob he had died

Joseph was sold to Egypt went to various trials and difficulties

Potiphar and his wife
Butler and baker

The brothers were experiencing guilt and fear – they were a dysfunctional family

Our lives can be dysfunctional
Things may not be resolved and consequences arise

The Lord was with Joseph

He had prospered in Egypt despite all the difficulties against him
He had a spirit of God
He is elevated to second in command, only lower than Pharaoh

His sons were called Manasseh and Ephraim

The names had special meanings
God had comforted him

Often in the darkest of times – God is with us

Quote from song
God provides grace
Example of congregant with motor neuron disease

God’s grace had helped Joseph come to the point where he could forgive his brothers

He does not punish them
The brothers had not repented of their son (though they did regret it)
Yet Joseph was willing to forgive them
The problem was with the brothers and through God’s sustaining grace he had not become bitter
God blesses us through painful experiences

God tests us and provides for us

There was seven years of terrible famine
It was a test of the faith to trust God
It became the means of Joseph and his brothers being reconciled

An example of providence

As we look back in our lives – do we see God’s guiding hand?

The consequences of living with unforgiven sin in the brothers

They had lied to their father
Joseph questions the brothers, implying they are spies

The brothers report they are honest – but they are not truthful
They have not told their father the truth
They have a conspiracy of silence

The father (Jacob) does not trust the sons because of the earlier ‘death’ of Joseph

He will not send Benjamin with the brothers

We are ‘honest men’

We did a terrible thing many years, but since then we have tried to live correctly


It had not resolved the issue nor there guilt
They did not want to face up to the truth

They had a guilty conscience

They felt they were being punished because of their brother

Reuben had tried to warn them, but they did not listen
They felt God was against them

They tried to make atonement

Reuben swore to bring Benjamin back

They had a fear of punishment

Especially when they found the money in their packs (an act of kindness from Joseph)
Example of hymn lyrics

Do you have things in your past that you have not faced up?

Do you feel guilty?
Have you reconciled these things?

God is moving things to the point of reconciliation – through a problem with a cup [today’s reading]

There appears to be a change in the brothers

They bow down before him (as per the prophetic dream)
God is fulfilling His promise and providing for Joseph and his family

Jacob thinks all is against him, but God is working

Judah pleads to stay in Benjamin’s place
Joseph turns aside to cry

Joseph reveals himself

He is not angry with them
He does not excuse their behaviour
He is loving towards them
There is a wonderful time of reconciliation

God’s family is a place with reconciliation needs to occur

If not, this is so sad and destructive
There is a wonderful power in forgiveness
Quote (long) from book by Cory Ten Boom

The love of God was brought about in Joseph’s situation

Joseph was a type of Jesus
Jesus came into the world to seek and save the lost – to bring forgiveness of sin