God’s grace despite human sinfulness
Last week:
Early signs of a rift between brothers
Jacob took advantage of Esau for his birthright
We will soon see that Esau wants to murder Jacob
Family feuds are terrible things
Example of the Prince William and Harry
Chapter 27 – problems amongst the family – brothers and marriage
God has purposes of grace for this family
God’s grace despite human sinfulness
Marriage problems
Most marriages suffer from problems time to time
Some face problems almost continually
Marriage is rarely without problems due to sinners living in close proximity
Lack of communication between husband and wife
Husband and wife
Isaac wants to bless Esau
He has not discussed this with Rebekah
He is ignoring God’s word
Rebekah is not prepared to confront her husband
She hatches a plan
They have not talked it through
Marriage is a wonderful thing
Two persons but one flesh
Togetherness and teamwork
A lack of communication means that people have started to live individually
We are not meant to be independent
What if problems have occurred?
Help and counseling
Try to work it out together with forgiveness
Ultimately – to ask God for help
Deviousness in Marriage
Affairs occur because of devious behaviour
Debt also
Hiding things
Relationship breakdown
Causes sadness and mistrust
Example in Rebekah
She does not talk to but deceives her husband
Is this a clever plan?
The ends does not justify the means
She is not trusting God
She is not confronting her husband
Jacob is worried but goes through with the plan
Isaac is deceived
The plan is successful but at great cost
Esau wanted to murder Jacob
Did she ever see Jacob again?
What sorrow must have filled her heart
How did she confess to Isaac after?
Deviousness never pays
It causes great grief when uncovered
Sin never pays
We must be open and honest
Making your children the centre of your affections
We are to love our children
We are not to love our children above our spouse
We are not to favour our children
We are not to put all our affection on one child
Isaac loved Esau and Rebekah loved Jacob
Isaac favoured Esau – v4
Rebekah favoured Jacob
What happens when a child leaves home – does the relationship break up if a parent lives for a child?
We are to live for God
The primary relationship is husband and wife
Leading family members into sin
This is the worse thing we can do
Rebekah suffered
Jacob suffered
She produced a trait that continued in his character
This only changed at Penuel
Our own character informs our children – examples
Marriages go wrong when we do not parent properly
Recap of Points
Quite negative/sad – the gospel message offers forgiveness for families
We believe that God can restore families and work miracles
We see this with Jacob
We are to seek help in God
A failure to trust God
The heart of the problem
Isaac did not believe God’s word
When Isaac sought to bless Esau – he was trying to go against God’s plan
Rebekah does not trust God
She tries to help out
God’s purposes were worked out – but she did not need to lie and deceive
She should have trusted
It can be difficult to trust
When you see no way out of a situation
Jacob spiralling into sin
One lie leads to another
He even brings God into it – v20
He uses God’s name in vain
It is his own sinful actions
Does this not happen to us?
God’s grace is greater
It is remarkable that God blesses Jacob (v29-30)
Jacob did not deserve this
Grace shown to an undeserving sinner
God does discipline him before blessings come
He does inherit the promises (in time)
How did Isaac by faith bless Jacob?
He (and Rebekah) still believed in the promises of God
God’s purposes are much higher than our sinfulness
There is grace in Jesus Christ
He blesses us with salvation, the forgiveness of sins, with heaven
All who believe in Him will receive His blessings
Trust in Jesus Christ – the blessings of God will be yours
Closing Remarks