Being in the Vine
Introduction & opening
Thank you for your invitation and that we are celebrating nearly 200 years at Tabor
Though many things have taken place and changed since then
Personal example
Many things change but the Church stays the same
After 200 years [in Tabor]
Over 2000 years as Christ will build His Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it
Sadly we have lost the Queen and lots of things have taken place over this time
Why has the Church been preserved over time?
The answer lies in John 15:1-11
In particular v5
To abide in Christ
The Church of Christ is not the building but the members – the people
Christ binds together
The Seventh “I am” – the True Vine
Previous six “I am”
The Bread of Life, Light of the World, Door to the Sheep, Good Shepherd, Resurrection and Life, Way truth and the Life
These reveal the uniqueness and supremacy of Christ
Overview: 3 points
The presence of God in our lives
The plan of God for our character
The patience of God in our growth
The presence of God in our lives
Chapter 15 is a continuation of His previous discourse
Jesus is starting to prepare them for His departure
They start to worry about how they will cope without Him
Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit – 14:26
As they depart and pass the garden Jesus encourages them
He teaches they should not give up, should not neglect meeting with one another
He gives them a mission to fulfill
Jesus gives them a metaphor of the vine to help them understand
There are lots of parables in Scripture
He used these to deliver lessons
We must understand the main point of the parable
Abide – v4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
The Israelites understood the vine was an symbol of Israel
(Like the daffodil is a symbol of Wales)
Ps 80:8-9, Hosea 10, Ezk 15, Jer 2, Isa 5:1-2
But in these, the vines all fail
Jesus is coming to declare Himself the true vine
“I am” the true vine
This reminds us of the true God – Yahweh
Moses is told to call God – “I am who I am”
Jesus is the source of life
He is the true, authentic and real vine
There is a difference between talent and proof
Quote from Robin Williams
Jesus came to tell people they have worth and to bring grace and a promise of fruit (in Him) – v5, 7
Those who put there trust in Him
The Bible is clear – the wages of sin is death
We have all sinned
2 Cor 5
Abide and remain in Christ
The branches are connected to the tree and the roots – to provide fruit
Without Christ, we can do nothing – v5
Example of smart TV
We must be connected to Christ
We must obey His word
We must connect to Him in prayer
We must preach His saving grace
Example – I see authentic people with genuine faith, who love one another and serve them
We must have right theology and biblical fruit
Our deeds and our actions must match our faith
Is the aroma of Christ upon you?
Do you exhibit the fruit of the spirit – list?
Do you show you are a Christian in your correspondence and encounters?
The fruit of the Spirit does not develop instantly, which leads to point 2
The plan of God for our character
Example of filming Vineyard in Algeria
Example of pruning green branches that do not show fruit
God prunes the believer
Bad traits must disappear, habits must be changed
Example of colleague
God loves us but expects to change in His strength
Example of exercise
God allows us to go through difficult times
This focuses our faith on Him
God provides
Personal example with God speaking through the story of Hagar
It is God’s will that we should be sanctified
Not just in thoughts
Integrity, for serving, for knowing God’s will
If you are experiencing pruning – God is working for our benefit
Surrender to Him
The patience of God in our growth
Example of biography of David Green
Why do Christians do bad things?
What is a Christian?
Not because they attend Church or come from a Christian family
Are they really living in Christ?
God removes bad branches from the vine – v6
Example in France
Remember the parable of the wheat and the tares
They look similar
At the harvest the tares are gathered and burned and the wheat is harvested
Jesus is talking about people
There is a limited time to believe in Him
You are either in or out of Christ
You are either abiding or separated from Christ
Quote from Spurgeon
Young believers
Do not be discouraged – you are a work in progress
God cares and provides for you
Fruit will come in time
As a Christian:
How is your devotional life?
Does the word of Christ dwell richly in you?
Do you have quiet times with Christ?
Do we remember His faithfulness?
If not a Christian:
Why not?
You are danger if you are not in Christ
Believe in Him today
Do not be discouraged – Quote from Job