October 2, 2022

Light for our present and future

Passage: 2 Kings 5:1-19
Service Type:


Quote from Roman Phaedrus – ‘things are not always what they seem’

Personal example – the outside was shabby, the inside was amazing
A story to help us with Light for our present and future

Kings – a marvellous historical book

Chapter 2 – the call of Elisha (with a double portion)
Chapter 3/4 – the miracles of Elisha
Chapter 5 – moving to Syria (Iran)

Overview – 3 scenes:

Scene 1: Inside Naaman’s house: Availability of God’s Servant
Scene 2: The palace of the King of Judah – The volatility of the king’s heart
Scene 3: In front of Elisha – The Simplicity of God’s Message

Scene 1: Inside Naaman’s house: Availability of God’s Servant

A 5-start general

A man of many talents
A valiant warrior

Perhaps an ideal husband

Yet he was a leper
Naaman had the appearance of success but inside there was leprosy

Leprosy was a dangerous contagious disease

It affects the nerves causing pain
It disfigures the body
It was an Old Testament symbol of sin
Is there someone here trying to cover sin – but eventually people will see?

Naaman could not save himself

Where do we look for help?
We cannot look inside ourselves – we need help from outside

When infected with a spiritual disease – we need a spiritual Saviour

It seems that his leprosy was in its infancy since it did not stop his abilities

They attacked and enslaved some of the Jews

The slave girl

We know little about her (including her name)
She had great faith 

She could have been rebellious, angry, seeking revenge and happy her master had leprosy
She did not curse but bless

She knew that behind all was a good God

She did not doubt His Sovereignty

Jesus said that no-one was healed in Elisha’s time except Naaman

How did this little girl know this?
Perhaps she didn’t but she knew God could perform miracles

She was available to be used by God

She was a source of salvation to Naaman’s household

Has God put you in a difficult place?

Will you use this opportunity to witness?
Will you show the love of God in the way you serve others?

Personal example
1 Peter 3:15
Example of Miriam

A great evangelist

Her approach

She did not go directly to Naaman (the culture did not allow this)
She did announce she has a solution for the problem
Do we use the wrong approach?

She used the opportunity available to her

She spoke to the lady of the house
She was believed because of her sincerity and love
Consider the Example of Philip with Nathaniel
We need to be like John the Baptist pointing people to the Lamb of God

The young girl was a great evangelist
The message went up via Naaman to the King of Syria who wrote to the King of Israel

Scene 2: The palace of the King Joram – The volatility of the king’s heart

King Joram

Naaman arrived loaded with presents
340kg of silver and 69kg of gold ≈ £15 million (in modern equivalent)
10 boxes of precious clothes

The King of Israel was a volatile and impetuous man

He always jumped to conclusion without thinking

He blamed God

This contrasts the faith of the little girl
Elisha comes with an answer

Naaman and entourage go to meet Elisha

He was expecting a VIP reception / red carpet

Instead Elisha sent him a message

He became angry, his blood boiling, becoming enraged
He had great expectations!

What are our expectations when we come to God?
Do we expect things to be done in our way?
Do we put conditions on His answers?
Example of friend
Do you pray your children will live out your dreams?

A simple command

He disdained Naaman’s advice
Personal example of River Nile vs River Taff
Naaman did not appreciate it was not by might or power but by the Spirit of God
Quote from Oswald Chambers
God alone is able to save

Scene 3: In front of Elisha – The Simplicity of God’s Message

Naaman obeys and is healed

Naaman was changed on the outside and inside
He knew there was no other God than the God of Israel
He calls himself servant to Elisha – a mark of humility

He wanted to pay for the miracle

Healing salvation is a free gift from God
Jesus freely gives us salvation
Titus 3:4-6

Naaman means pleasant/beautiful one

How could this be with leprosy?
When God created mankind – He said it was very good

Sin has distorted this image
The only answer is in what God has given
The antidote for sin – is the Lord Jesus Christ

Free salvation – but very costly to Jesus


His skin was restored

The same is for all who believe in Jesus Christ
They will become a new creation

He was healed inwardly

He became a worshiper of the true God
The work of the Holy Spirit

Closing Remarks

Which one of these characters do you resemble?

The little girl -in her strong faith in God
The great king – with his counterfeit faith
Naaman -the sick man who was healed and changed