Tradition vs. Compassion and Pride vs. Humility
We have lots of traditions
People might argue over what is right and wrong
We must be careful about blindly following traditions
Example of the ‘gospel service’, pulpit location, dress code, instruments, number of services, midweek meetings
Instead they must be wise choices under God
Other examples – wise decisions
The question should be what helps us to worship God?
We must not hold traditions for ‘tradition sake’
We must not look down on others if they do not observe these traditions
Jesus did not follow tradition and was looked down on by the pharisees and scribes
Jesus was willing to go against the cultural normal
His heart was more concerned with healing, compassion and honouring God rather than following the rules of men
Tradition vs. Compassion
Pride vs. Humility
Tradition vs. Compassion (v1-6)
What this man with dropsy ‘planted’ by the pharisees?
He may have just wandered into the feast
But the pharisees were watching Jesus
Jesus knows exactly what is going on
They believed to heal on the Sabbath is a contradiction of God’s law
They believed you had to rest from everything – examples
They had lost the spirit of the day – a delight and joy (Isa 58)
The pharisees were silent – v4
If they respond – they look uncaring
If they say you can heal – they look lax as not upholding their own rules
They say nothing
Jesus heals the man and lets him go
He releases this man from the clutches of the Pharisees
Remember the blind man in John 9
There are 7 sabbath healings recorded in the Scriptures
Example of the lady bent over
God heals people spiritually
We must pray this happens for God’s glory
Jesus challenges the pharisees again
(Though they are challenging Jesus in their hearts)
He answers them (though they spoke nothing ) – v5
He shows they are more concerned about financial loss or their own family than other people
He shows they are inconsistent – example of doing work on the Sabbath
Jesus silences the pharisees – v6
They could not answer Him
Are we concerned with the way things are done or the gospel of free grace?
Are we more concerned with our religious ideas/standards?
Is my religion based on outward performance/keeping up appearances?
Is my religion about God and the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Do I live for Jesus?
Is my identity in Jesus and not religious traditions?
Is my identity in my denomination or that we are a child of God?
Pride vs. Humility (v7-14)
God is watching us – even if we are watching others
Jesus knows the Pharisees want the best places
Luke 11:43 – Jesus repeated this several times
They had no real concern for the people of God
They wanted to be the important ones
Jesus tells a parable to call them to humility
v8 – Don’t choose the best place
v10 – Choose the lowest place
v11 – whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted
Example of Nebuchadnezzar and Herod – humbled
Example of Mary, sinners, the tax collector, the man who beat his breast – lifted up
The whole of Scripture teaches about humility vs pride
Consider the very example of Jesus Christ
He made Himself of no reputation
He came to give His life as a ransom for many
Example of man who went to college
God honours the humble
v12-14 – extremely challenging words
We should be people of hospitality
Do we do things for personal gain?
The pharisees did things for themselves and had no love for the poor
We will be repaid when Christ comes again
Gospel love is unselfish love and flows from the heart of God
Gospel love associates with the poor and humble
Example of the Good Samaritan
Jesus went to the cross for us – freely paying our debt
Closing Remarks
Religion is not meant to be a ‘club’ based on tradition
A place where Christ is exalted and love rules
That we would crucify pride and love Christ and serve only Him