Praise the Lord
Looking at the ‘Hallelujah’ Psalms
Hallelujah – means Praise the Lord
The are different times in a Christian’s life
The Book of Psalms finishes with joy and praise
If the people of the Old Testament were called to praise God – how much more should we as people of the New Testament
We have every reason to praise God
We have been singing for some time – singing the praises of God
We are to sing from our hearts (not just our lips)
Hallelujah – a compound word meaning praise Yehovah
Each Psalm starts/ends with the phrase ‘Praise the Lord’
We must not use this as a catchphrase but really mean it from the heart
No particular instrument directed for this psalm – we are to use our voice
No setting – can be used on all occasions
There are many reasons why we should praise God
God’s character
God’s actions
Thinking about God causes us to praise Him
Praise should come from sanctified hearts
We should not curse with our tongue
We should bless with our tongue
Ps 15 – we should come with clean hearts and hands
A call to worship (v1-2)
A caution about misplaced trust (v3-4)
Reasons to trust God (v5-10)
A call to worship (v1-2)
A general call to worship but also of his own heart – v1
We are called to join in the great anthem of praise and worship
Not just on the Lord’s day – but every day
The chief end of man is to glorify God
We might need help to praise God
1 Sam 1
Ps 147:1 – Praise should be pleasant
How do you feel this evening – like Hannah, like David, maybe neither of these two extremes?
However we feel – we should offer a sacrifice of praise
What is praise? – v2
When we keep His commands
An expression of our heart that comes from our lips
Singing as well as prayer
Something very beautiful about singing
There is a determination to praise
Ps 103:1-2
We sometimes need God to stir our soul – to praise Him
Heb 2:12
Christ is in the midst
He is the Choirmaster
He helps us in our praise
We are to be a praising people throughout the whole week
Not about peripheries
All about God
Example of Fijian Team
A caution about misplaced trust (v3-4)
Do not trust in men
Do not trust in the fallible and those who change
Trust in the unchangeable and one who is utterly perfect
There is a tendency to trust in men rather than God
Example of politicians, people with money, doctors
Trust in the living God
There is no ultimate help in man – in all the trials of life and spiritual matters
Only in God
We do not know when we may die
Life is short and fleeting
Trust in the Lord – in Him there is hope
Reasons to trust God (v5-10)
Happy / blessed is the man who trusts in God – v5
Who is born again
Who has the spirit of God indwelling them
He will never disappoint
He will answer every prayer (though it may be no)
He intervenes
He delivers
He provides / acts – v7
Example of Joseph
He is gracious
He delivers and defends
He acts on their behalf
Example of Naomi
He watches over the stranger – v9
He does not forget the widow or orphan
He made the earth (and all that it is in) – v6
He has made a world of great intricacy and beauty
He has made all the creatures
He is an immense God far beyond us
He keeps truth forever
He is faithful
We are unfaithful and deceitful
We are unreliable, let people down and disappoint
v7 – Consider Jesus in the Temple
The words have a physical meaning
The words have a spiritual meaning
Jesus will bring about final justice
Examples of the oppressed – God is not indifferent
God sent His only Son to die for us to we could be saved from sin and hell
We can and must praise our God
Closing Remarks