August 15, 2021

The Parable of the Great Supper

Passage: Luke 14:15-24
Service Type:


Who doesn’t like food?

What are your favourite foods? – examples

If you are invited to a banquet – what do you expect?

Characterised by happiness and joy

Jesus described the kingdom of God as a Great Supper

Heaven – a sumptuous feast
How do you view Christianity?
A metaphorical picture


What is Christianity?
Why do people reject it?
Why do others embrace it?

What is Christianity?

Jesus is asked a question – He sees this as a teaching opportunity

Someone pipes up and it seems he is not listening

How well do we listen in church?

A smug reply

Jesus answers this with a parable – the Parable of the Great Supper

What is on the table – Eternal Life

Christianity offers eternal life

We are mortal / life is short

Jesus offers everlasting life – quantity and quality

Many have experienced this
Example of Olympians / Quote from Olympian

The promise is to whoever believes – not one will be disappointed

What is on the table – a pardon for sin

All of your sins

Quote from Song ‘In Christ Alone’

Being able to stand before a Holy God

Jesus Christ has taken our sin and given his righteousness
Example of Cliff Richard
It is a greater relief for us who are guilty to be declared not guilty by the living God

Have you trusted in Jesus for your salvation

What is on the table – God’s very presence

God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us

The Spirit of God comes to dwell in our lives – He never leaves us

The kingdom of God is like a Great Supper

Is this your view of Christianity?
Quote from Isaiah
 Freely offered to all who believe – even though it cost the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ
It is a gift

What is on the table – rest

Jesus has promised rest in Him
Are you struggling in life?

What is on the table – fellowship

Jesus stands at the door and knocks
Jesus dines with His people
Those who come to Jesus will never hunger or thirst

What is your view of Christianity?

Partake of this Great Supper
Everything is ready – the work of Christ is finished at the cross

“It is Finished”

Come – all things are ready

Why do people reject it?

The invite to the Great Supper has gone to many

All refuse with various excuses – examples
What do these excuses represent?

People do not see the value of the event or have any love for the host

Although the Jews were the chosen people – they were afar off from God
They saw nothing desirable in Jesus, even though:

He healed
He cast out demons
The masses flocked around Him

Isa 25:6
The Jews were looking for a physical reward and did not see the works of Jesus Christ

Isaiah prophesised a spiritual (and a physical) awakening

Why do people reject today?

They don’t see what is on the table
They see no beauty in Jesus Christ
They see no pleasure in Christianity
They are indifferent
They don’t want it
The excuses made in the parable are lame
Are our excuses lies?
We must be very careful not to make excuses before God

Work and Relationships

The yoke of oxen was needed for the business

But our needs must not come before God

Work and relationships
What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul
The selfishness of the human heart

Why do others embrace it?

Jewish custom was to make a double invitation – checking up on the day

Everything was ready – it was right for the Master of the House to be angry

The Jews rejected the Messiah
God was angry with them
He cut off the Jews and invited the Gentiles

Because they are disadvantaged

Jesus has just been talking about the disadvantaged – these are those who should be invited

The untouchables of society

God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith – millions who have embraced the Lord Jesus
God has chosen the weak and foolish things of the world – not the affluent

They have a sense of need

God throughout the centuries has been calling people to Himself
v23 – the call to take the gospel to all the world

Those who have been drawn by the love of God

Do you see yourself as spiritually deficient?
You are invited to come to Christ

Closing Remarks

v24 – those who rejected the invitation will not be in heaven
Those who accepted the invitation will be there
Can you say you are saved?