March 29, 2024

The Wonder of the Cross

Passage: Matthew 27:45-56
Service Type:


Looking at some of the incidents in the passage
Strange that we call today ‘Good Friday’ – the death of Jesus

The cross is the centrepiece of the Bible
The cross if the centrepiece of the Gospel
We sing about the cross
Paul wanted to know nothing but Jesus Christ crucified (1 Cor 2:2)
The cross is something wonderful and glorious

Example of Welsh Artist – James Innes – ‘come and see’

Looking at a more wonderous mountain this morning
Mount Moriah: prefiguring the cross

Look at the attending wonders of the cross

A Great Darkness (v45)

It is midday but there is a darkness for 3 hours
This reminds us of Exodus – when darkness covered the land for 3 days leading to the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb

God is painting a picture about the great Lamb of God
Isa 53
"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world"

He steps into darkness

The forces of darkness come against Jesus
Jesus is entering into the darkness of (our) sin

He emerges from this darkness as the light of the world

At conversion – people are translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light
God’s light has shone on our hearts (2 Cor 4:6)
We were once in the dark but are now in the light

Example of ministry in Tenby

A Torn Curtain (v51)

Not a frail veil – this was a weighty, 60ft curtain

It was a sign that only one person – the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies and then only once a year on the ‘Day of Atonement’
The High Priest bore the names of Israel on his breast plate and represented the people

It was a symbol of Christ representing His people before God

Moving from the Old Testament to the New Testament – from the lesser to the greater
Christ is the Great High Priest
He has made a single sacrifice of Himself – His body broken for us

All ceremony and ritual has gone – we can come boldly to God through Jesus alone

The curtain is opened – we can come to God
We can ‘turn back to God’

Come as a sinner to Jesus

Are you still in the dark?
Are you still outside?
Example of Sylvia

A Mighty Earthquake (v51-52)

This goes back to Mount Sinai and the law given to Moses

But there is a more stupendous occurrence at Calvary
Christ enduring out punishment
Gal 4:4-5
Not just acquitted of our sin but adopted into God’s family

A great earthquake – graves open and the dead are raised to life

A prelude to a greater resurrection
The one who would rise on the third day and give live everlasting
Rom 6:23
We are alive in Christ

There is new life in Jesus

A Roman Centurion (v54)

A legion was about 5,500 with 59 centurions

Someone who has risen from the ranks – battle hardened and scar
Assigned to a stubborn people
Assigned to crucifixion

All that he sees is impressed upon him – he grasps "Truly this was the Son of God"

He sees there is one mediator between God and man – the Son Christ Jesus
Never the same since meeting the Man on the cross
Every Christian wonders at the cross

A Dying Thief

Not here but in other gospels (Luke 23:39-43)
He begins by ridiculing Jesus

Example of Russell Watson
The other thief rebukes him
He becomes aware of his sin and calls out to Jesus
Jesus tells him "today you will be with me in paradise"

Closing Remarks

Have you come to Jesus?

If not, when will it be?
Why not today?