The Triumphant Entry and the Transgressors Exit
Today is Palm Sunday
Marks Holy Week
It is at the heart of the Christian Calendar and belief
Without the resurrection Christianity is nothing
All Jesus’ ministry leads towards Holy Week
The events of Holy Week have such an impact on humanity
Christian’s are to celebrate Holy Week
Title: "The Triumphant Entry and the Transgressors Exit"
A broad brush stroke of the events of Holy Week
3 headings:
The Heart of Man
The Heart of God
The Heart of our Hope
The Heart of Man
Today’s world says we should trust/listen to our heart above all
We are told our hearts are wise and right
But God says "The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked" – Jer 17:9
Whose insight is truer – Man’s or God’s?
The Crowds
Filled with joy and excitement
All pushing for a view of Jesus
They though Jesus would liberate them from the Romans
But then turned to a riotous mob
How fickle they were
From calling ‘Hosanna’ to ‘Crucify Him’
From shaking palms to shaking their fists
From laying coats to hiding their faces in shame
Is this not true today?
They chose Barabbas (Matt 27:21)
Do people not chose wickedness rather than Jesus?
The crowd would have rather a tyrant (Caesar) rule over them, rather than Jesus – John 19:15
The same rebellion is in the heart of all of us
Many vow that they were not allow Christ to rule over of the hearts
The leaders – the Pharisees
Matt 26:3-4
They were jealous and envious of Jesus
They were quick to shed innocent blood
They were happy with false testimony
What it is in their heart is in our heart
The leaders – Pilate
John 19:12
The Jews pressured Pilate
People deny Christ for fear
The disciples
Judas betrayed Jesus
How many people reject and betray Jesus because He does not bring them what they expect
Peter’s misplaced pride
Peter strenuously asserted he would not deny Jesus
Yet he denied Jesus three times
Is this not the same of our hearts?
Examples of our heart
It is God that is right!
The Heart of God
We know the power of contrast
It can be contrasted against the heart of man
The Heart of God
Jesus cleanses the temple
He restored it to His proper function
Jesus’ humility
He knelt down to washed His disciples feet
He prayed for His disciples
He healed those who would arrest Him
He blessed those who cursed Him
He was silent before His accusers (Isa 53:7)
Jesus’ love
Towards His enemies – "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:24)
Jesus’ selflessness
Towards His mother (John 19:26-27)
Towards the criminal crucified with Him (Luke 23:43)
The love of God is magnified when we consider the heart of man
If you need a sign of God’s love – it is seen in Holy Week
"Behold what manner of love" – 1 John 3:1
Do this in Holy Week
You cannot find an equal of this in society!
There is no other Person worthy of devotion
The Heart of our Hope
What could ever bridge the chasm between the heart of man and the heart of God?
We turn to the events of Holy Week
Romans 5:6-8 – Christ died for us
Jesus was the Messiah to deliver the Jews from oppression
Not from the Romans
But from sin
Jesus would be the fulfilment of the original Passover
Jesus took God’s wrath and judgment upon Himself
Jesus came to forgive our sin
2 Cor 5:21
Jesus took our place upon the cross
An innocent Man taking the place of guilty man
Our hope is not in the heart of man but the heart of God
Jesus died and was resurrected – as proof of this
We can be adopted into His family and eternal life
We can have new hearts in Jesus