The Woman
We looked briefly at the end of John 4 at Harvest Time
Today looking at one person – the woman
Example of Joan Collins
What has gone wrong to have 4 divorces
Considering the woman in John 4
From an obscure village – Syca
From a despised territory – Samaria
The people were seen to be unclean
5 husbands – the men had initiated the divorces
Why – was she unfaithful, was it because divorce was easy, was it because of the adulterous generation
She is currently living with someone who is not her husband – living in an immoral relationship
Sex outside of marriage is sinful
She would appear to be an immoral women
The passage does not focus on her immorality but Jesus compassion for her
The offers given by Jesus to her
Living water
The love of Jesus is so clear and plain
He is so kind to her
This story is full of precious lessons
Jesus has the same love for sinners today
He draws, woos, invites, entreats them
He understands human nature (unlike us)
He states both Nicodemus and the woman were sinners
A Context
A Conversation
A Conversion
A Context
Going to Samaria
Jesus has been in Jerusalem
Jesus had been baptising – though it was His disciples
Jesus departs from Galilee
"He needed to go through Samaria" – why?
Jesus was never constrained by time
There was no message to come to a particular town
Jesus went because He loved Samaritans
The worst thing the Jews called Jesus was a Samaritan and a demon – John 8:48
The Jews hated them
They had no dealings with Samaritans (v9)
The Woman
The women often come to draw water at the end of the day
She came to draw water at midday, which was unusual – perhaps she was ostracised
Jesus is alone with her – there are invisible barriers
A samaritan
A woman
Alone with her
Race, gender, religion
Overview of the Samaritans
They only held to the Pentateuch – not the prophets or books of wisdom
Such a meeting – was not done
Sometimes there are big barriers to overcome:
Yet nothing is too great for the Lord – He can overcome all barriers
A Conversation
Jesus starts by asking for a drink
He was human and divine
His Divinity did not overtake His humanity – in that He knew full human frailty and emotion
He was weary
Yet He was never too weary for people – example
Jesus had time for this woman
Jesus is a master bridge builder
Do we have time for others?
Jesus initiates the conversatioin
He values her
We must not forget the person when preaching the message
Are we bridge builders?
He needed water – she was going to draw water
Acts 8 – Philip
We must graciously seek to point people to Jesus Christ
We must not be predujiced
Jesus makes the woman curious
She asks Him questions
He speaks in metaphor
‘Who is this person and what is He offering me?’
The Jews knew these references to living water – Isa 12:3, 55:1
What is the state of your soul?
Are you satisfied in Christ?
Where is your satisfaction found?
Real satisfaction is found in Jesus alone
The woman does not understand about living water (v13-14)
Never thirst, never perish
John 7:37 – religion had only made people thirsty
Those who believe in Jesus Christ will know deep satisfaction and have the Spirit of God poured into their lives
Cumulating in heaven with Christ
Do you identify with this woman?
Have you tried lots of things but feel empty inside?
Only Jesus Christ can satisfy
Quote from Augustine – only God can fill the god-shaped hole inside us
Have you drunk of the living waters?
Jesus changes the conversation (v16)
Call your husband
She might have thought He was speaking in a physical capacity
Jesus was putting His finger on her sin and her deep dissatisfaction
Jesus reveals her sinful past
It is only when we realise our sin that we cry out for a Saviour
Unless you understand your need – you will not call on Jesus Christ
There is punishment for sin – examples
What must you do?
Turn to Jesus
Jesus did not condemn her but offers her salvation
The woman perceives He is a prophet
Though the Samaritans did not believe in the ‘prophets’
Deut 18:18
She asks a question about religion
Jesus graciously answers and says that people need to worship in spirit and truth
Jesus reveals Himself as Messiah (v26)
A Conversion
When you read on, you realise that all had Jesus had spoken had affected her
She and the people go out to listen to Jesus
She is wonderfully converted
Jesus spent only two days in Syca
The testimony of one individual unlocked the whole community
The gospel is for everyone
For the rich / poor
For the religious / the biblically illiterate
For those with ‘good standing’ / immoral people
We should never say that a person is ‘too far gone’
All can be saved
Are you saved?
Do you really know God?
You are offered eternal life in Jesus Christ
Turn from sin and turn to Jesus