November 19, 2023

Comfort for the Downcast

Passage: 2 Corinthians 7:6-7, 13-16; Ps 42:1-11
Service Type:


Considering Titus as such an encouragement to Paul

Reading 2 Cor 7:6-7, 13-16

God used Titus to strengthen and encourage the Apostle Paul

We often think of Paul as a might apostle – example
He was not super human
He could be really downcast

Have you found that God uses a person to encourage you?

Example of Philemon, Vic’s Dad
Do you have someone that you can pray and confide in?

Especially when you are low and struggling?

Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than a brother

God normally uses people to strengthen us

God’s people often had partners to help: Moses & Joshua, Elijah & Elisha, David & Jonathan
Paul had many people that helped: Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Barnabas
We should pray God for a ‘partner’


Paul calls Titus a true son in the faith (Titus 1:4)

Paul had led Titus to faith in Christ

A genuine convert

A gentile who was not circumcised Gal 2:3

Salvation is by faith alone in Jesus

Paul’s partner and fellow worker – 2 Cor 8:23

A loyal companion of Paul, especially regarding the Corinthian Church
Isn’t it lovely when other work alongside and hard when you are working on your own

Two are better than one – Ecc 4:12

Titus’ task was to encourage the Church in giving – 1 Cor 16:1-3, 2 Cor 8:6
Titus really loved the Corinthians – 2 Cor 8:16

Therefore, Paul was happy to boast about him (v14)
It is important to speak well of others – Example of Peter Elward

He was sent to Crete

Titus was to supply what was lacking in the Church – Elders (Titus 1:5)

Paul has need of Titus

Paul send someone else to Crete and Titus returned to Nicopolis – Titus 3:12
Let us work together for the Lord
Titus went all the way to Dalmatia – 2 Tim 4:10

A ready and willing individual

Example of John Funnel
May the Lord help us to be like Titus


Paul had no rest and was troubled on every side – 2 Cor 7:5

He was not ashamed to say he was down cast
As a Christian – we should not be ashamed to say we are depressed

It is not a sign our spiritual life flagging
Example of Elijah, Psalms 42-43, CH Spurgeon

We should be open about it

Paul was so low, that he left to find Titus

What did Titus do?

Titus’ Encouragement
His Presence

Paul valued his presence

Titus was loyal to God, the Church, to Paul
Today people are their ‘own person’ – but what about serving the Lord?

Present at the right time
Full of joy

This encouraged Paul

Titus saw the Corinthians had repented (from their behaviour in 1 Corinthians)

He came with a joyful spirit
Example of recent Missionary Meeting

His Words

What did Titus say to Paul? (v7)

Example of Geoff Thomas – the student encouraging the professor
The Consolation he brought:

That the Corinthians were now obedient and thankful to God for Paul
That the Corinthians were mourning and repenting over their sin – examples
That the Corinthians are now zealous for Paul as they realise his teaching was from God

God can intervene directly but often He uses means:

His Word
His people – who refresh the hearts of the saints

Are we ready to refresh the hearts of others?

Closing Remarks

We are to bear each others burdens – we can encourage at least one person

Through a joyful spirit
Through sympathy

Paul had a large heart/such affection (v15)
Titus has sincere sympathy

God sent angels to Jesus during the Desert temptations and the Garden of Gethsemane
Example of the Shulamite Woman

Let us be like Paul and Titus – following Christ and knowing that in our hour of need, He will help us