November 26, 2023

Keep on Believing

Passage: Hebrews 9:11-28
Service Type:


The Book of Hebrews: a message of faith – keep on believing

The Christians were converted Jews
They were discouraged

There are times that will test us

They were thinking about going back to Judaism

The apostle says wonderful things – Chapter 11, 12 – to encourage the believers

Three encouragements to go on believing
The three appearances of the Lord Jesus Christ

v24, 26, 28

The First Appearance (v26)

A historical appearance

If we lose sight of what Christ has done for us – we will be discouraged

The devil tries to get us to forget Jesus Christ
The writer of Hebrews says ‘remember Him’

Greater than the angels
Remember what He has done

Different words for "appear" each time in Greek

v26 – Christ has been revealed
We remember this at Christmas time – God incarnate, made known to the world

Jesus did claim to be God on earth
John 14:1 – "believe in God, believe also in me"
John 14:9 – "He that has seen Me, has seen the Father"
Col 2:9 – in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily

Why did it take a long time for Jesus Christ to appear?

Explanation from Dr Martin Lloyd-Jones
In the fullness of time Jesus Christ comes

To put away, to nullify, to cancel, to put an end to sin
Matt 1:21 – "you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins"

Jesus bears the sin Himself

He went to Calvary
A work of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
He was punished in our place

We deserve the punishment and wrath of God, we deserve to be in hell
Yet we are able to rejoice and worship in Church as Christ has saved us

A once for all sacrifice

No repetition
The work has been done

The sacrifices of the Old Testament was a reminder of their sins, to remind them of their need for salvation
Now the Lord Jesus has come – the great High Priest
He has shed His blood once for all

Quote from Martin Luther
Personal example
We can be saved

By putting our faith in the Lord Jesus

The Second Appearance (v24)

Christ appears in the presence of God for us
The Greek word for appearance – meaning "to shine"

Example of Saul of Tarsus
Christ is shining in heaven

Christ has gone into heaven itself

The Hebrews were disappointed as they no longer had a visible high priest
They were told to believe in something they could not see

They were disappointed in this
Sometimes people are disappointed when they come to church

Be encouraged that you cannot see Christ – because He is heaven for us

Heb 4:14-15
Jesus knows and sympathises with us

Jesus represents us before the Father

Example of the Ephod of the High Priest
A wonderful example of the Lord Jesus – He has our name on His heart, He carries us on His shoulders, He gives us grace in times of need
Quote from Martin Luther
If you lack – ask Jesus


The Third Appearance (v28)

He will appear a second time for Salvation
The Greek word for appearance – meaning "to see with the eye"

One day we will see Him
He is coming back
We will see Him a second time

To those who eagerly wait (Christians) – He will come in a special way

Apart from sin – not to deal with sin
Coming in glory and in power – for salvation
We have been saved, we are being saved (sanctified), we will be saved (in all its fullness – body and soul)

Jesus will come and make all things new


2 Pet 3:13 – we "look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells"

Consider the rejoicing at the re-emergence of the High Priest

There will be great rejoicing
Death is not the end

Closing Remarks

What difference does this make to us?

Look to the Lord Jesus Christ for Salvation – Heb 12:2
Look for Jesus and His coming – v28

Example of the people of Cwmavon
The Lord Jesus Christ strengthens His people

Looking for the Lord Jesus Christ