Reading v5-6
This evening: restoration
Paul had conflicts without
Paul had fears within (for the Church)
Paul had gone to Troas and then to Macedonia to find Titus
Titus brought the comfort he needed
There was a deep change in the Corinthians – they had repented and been restored
They had a zeal for Paul
Of a broken relationship
Paul had great consolation (v7)
Paul is exceedingly joyful (v4)
Prov 25:25
Is there unresolved conflict in your past? / A broken relationship that could be restored?
God can work in our hearts
God can transform situations
If God can restore the Corinthian Church – He can restore your situation
The Causes of Paul’s Sorrows
How Paul addresses the Corinthians
How they responded
The Causes of Paul’s Sorrows
He suffered a lot … but was never without consolation
2 Cor 1:3-4
Paul endured great tribulation
2 Cor 1:8
In chapter 7:
The conflicts without often caused by persecution
God was gracious to Him and learned to rejoice even in these pressures
The fears within often caused by the state of the Church
Example of John on the Isle of Patmos
2 Cor 2:1 – he planned a second visit as the first visit has not gone well
2 Cor 1:17-18 – people were speaking against him as he did not visit a third time
2 Cor 2:8 – to allow a brother to return to the fellowship after being disciplined
False charges – 2 Cor 2:17 (not peddling), 4:2 (no double standards),
2 Cor 2:13 – uncertainty about a person
Outward persecution and inward fears
2 Cor 4:8-9 – each time he is knocked down, he is lifted up by God’s grace
Let us pray this is our experience
Problems may be most painful from those within the Church
Satan often uses this
Remember Paul in such situations:
He never gave up on the Corinthians – examples
He then knew great rejoicing
How Paul addresses the Corinthians (v2-8)
"Open your hearts to us" (v2, 2 Cor 6:11,13)
Transparency, openess, honesty
Affection – not cold and distant
To have a warm and deep relationship
A reminder of his conduct (v2)
Do not listen to the wrong people
Not to misunderstand (v3)
Paul’s love is so great – he would die for them
A change in language (v4-8)
A change in the Corinthians
He is like a relieved father
Recognising this is of God
What about us – if we are to restore relationships
Truth matters
In love
People need to know you are for them
How they responded (v9-11)
Sorry in a godly manner
Not worldly regret
Owning your faults, confessing your sins, sincerity
Psalm 51:4 – King David
Providing restitution (if applicable)
Confession of sin
Peter knew Godly sorrow
He wept bitterly after denying Jesus – but He never abandoned Christ
He was first at the tomb
Worldly sorrow
Remorse when found out – examples
Self pity
Sorrow at personal loss – examples
Worldly sorrow leads to death, godly sorrow leads to salvation (v10)
The Corinthians were truly sorrowful – that they had offended God
There was a deep change in their lives
Reading v10-11
They were quick to put things right
Their stigma had gone
A holy hatred (of sin)
Real reverence of God
A mini revival
Desire and zeal – for Paul and God
Paul has every proof that they responded to his severe letter (v11)
The broken relationship is restored
How wonderful
It was not a hopeless case for God
The Corinthians had know the grace of repentance
We need this in our lives
Repentance of sin
Sow to the Spirit
Are there areas in your life that need changing?
Is there a broken relationship that needs to be restored?
Pray to God and do what you must