November 12, 2023

The World

Passage: John 3:16-21, 15:9-13
Service Type:


Looking at John’s Gospel – different from the other gospels

No parables
Titles of Christ
Emphasising certain words

World – 78 times in John, 23 times in 1 John
Love –

A mini-series due to finish next week

Looking at the letter "W"
Today: the World

Appropriate today on Remembrance Sunday
Sadly wars still occur today

Overview – three questions

What is wrong with the world?
What is God’s attitude to the world?
Is there atonement for the world?

Different uses of the word "world"

John 1:10a/b – the material/created world (made by Christ)
John 1:10c – mankind
John 12:19 – a large group of people
John 7:4 – to the public
John 12:32, 1 John 2:15-16 – the evil system of this world

What is wrong with the world?

Negative usage of the word "world"
People are ignorant of God

John 1:5 – ‘the darkness did not comprehend’
John 1:10 – "the world did not know Him"

God is often not in the thoughts of mankind

Only at times of crises
Not to worship and praise Him

Men are in darkness and cut off from God

Men are ignorant of God
People do not understand God
John 3:19 – men practice evil deeds

They cannot bear the light of Christ
People do not want their sin exposed

John 3:21 – those who love the truth come to the light

We are capable of such sin – example

The human heart (inherited from Adam)

Christ came into the world to show His light, to go the cross, to die and be resurrected, to forgive our sin, to give us a new heart

Individuals and sin

John 7:7
The world is not happy with a Jesus who exposes sin
John 3:17 – God did not come to condemn but to save

What is God’s attitude to the world?

God does love sinners

Example of the Rich Young Man, rebellious Jerusalem, compassion on the multitudes
John 1:9 – the true light given to every person

We are all given a conscience
We are all given creation
Every man should hear Him (believe in Christ and be saved) – John 3:16-17

Those who remain in unbelief – will be judged, for God’s anger remains upon them

God hates sin and unbelief – John 3:36

Is there atonement for the world?

1 John 2:2 – Jesus is a propitiation

He turns away the anger of God
A sinner is forgiven and cleansed

Not all are saved

John 3:36
Speaking about people in general – not every single person in the world
Of Jew and Gentile – example

Not universalism

John 1:29
Atonement – Acts 20:28, Matt 1:21, Eph 5:25

Christ purchased His people

There is atonement for those who trust and believe in Jesus Christ

Do you wonder if your sins are paid for?
God so loved the world He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life
John 6:37 – if you come to Jesus, you will never be cast out

Come to Christ and believe in Him

Confess and ask for forgiveness of your sins
Believe in Jesus Christ