The Wind
Started a new series in John’s Gospel
Very different to the other gospels
Think, pray, read slowly, meditate
Covered the first 5 verses last week – "the Word"
The full and final revelation of God
Thinking about the Holy Spirit today – "the Wind"
On the Day of Pentecost He came a might rushing wind
In the Old Testament – the Breath of God (Ez 37:9)
Jesus likes the Holy Spirit to the wind (John 3:8)
We cannot see the wind (but can see it’s effects) or the Holy Spirit
We cannot control the wind or the Holy Spirit
Not just one image describing the Holy Spirit
Fire – reminds us of His power
Dove – reminds us of His gentleness
The Holy Spirit – God
Part of the Trinity
A person who guides, comforts, teaches
We can grieve Him through sin
He is a "Holy" Spirit – he is Holy
Considering the Holy Spirit as wind – His secret invisible work of bringing souls to new birth
John 1:12-13
What does it mean to be born of God?
What does a new birth mean?
What does it mean to be a born again Christian?
What does it mean to be a new creation (2 Cor 5:17)
Nicodemus comes to Jesus
He was a pharisee (v1)
They held a very strict interpretation of the law of Moses
They had a fastidious attachment to the law
Morally upright (at least outwardly)
Custodians and guardians of the traditions of the fathers – so they had added 600 extra laws to the law of Moses
They were legalistic and laid burdens on the people
He was a ruler of the Jews (v1)
A heavyweight pharisee
A member of the (highest) Jewish ruling council – the Sanhedrin (John 7, 19)
A man of great standing and prominence
He came to Jesus by night (v2, John 7,19)
He has fears of what others would think about him going to Jesus
The pharisees were jealous of Jesus
He has a fear of the Jews
He calls Jesus teacher (v2)
He speaks with respect and recognises Him as a teacher
"We know you are a teacher"
He has some understanding of Jesus
He knows that God must be with Him
He seems to want to know the truth
Why have you come to Church this morning?
Because you want to meet God or out of habit?
Consider the example of the rich young ruler and Simon Magus
Many came to Jesus just for the miracles
Some were genuine – example of the weeping woman
Jesus answers Nicodmus
Jesus is answering a question that Nicodemus should have asked – what must I do to gain eternal life
His answer astounds Nicodemus
Most assuredly (v3,5,11)
Perhaps pharisees were not inclined to listen to people
There must be a new start / a new birth
Example – you must be born again
Your background and status does not matter
Your ‘religion’ and degrees does not matter
John 1:13 – the theology/doctrine
Not of blood
Not of human ancestry (as the pharisees were Abraham’s descendants)
John 8:33
We are born sinners
We are born into bondage
We must have spiritual life and be born again
Our nations and family do not make us Christian
Many who belong to Israel will be cast out
Nicodemus’ Response
He is spirituality ignorant
His religion is all about the outward and the horizontal
He does not think about the inward and the vertical
His thinking is literal
1 Cor 2:14 – the things of God must be spiritually discerned
He is still confused (v9)
Jesus tells him these things are found in the Old Testament (v10)
Habbakuk – the just shall live by faith (Heb 11)
Ezekiel 36
Not all Israel will be saved
Jesus’ explanation to Nicodemus
Water and the Spirit
Not speaking of baptism but of cleansing
Baptism does not save people
It is a command for those who have be saved
Ezk 36:25-26, Titus 3:4-5
Flesh gives birth to flesh, Spirit gives birth to spirit
We are given a new nature
We are given a new life in Jesus
Have you experienced this new birth?
Have you been born again?
Have you believed in Jesus Christ?
As Lord and Saviour
Repent of your sin
The Holy Spirit opens our mind
The Holy Spirit testifies we are children of God
Example of George Whitfield
Final thoughts
John 1:12-13 – not of the will of the flesh or the will of man
No through human strength, effort, any meritorious act, any human will/decision
We not ‘decide’ for Jesus Christ
We must believe in Jesus Christ
You must be born again
Through a supernatural miraculous work of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit comes like the wind – you cannot see or control Him
John 3:8 – you see the effects
People repenting of their sin
Believers having such joy in their life
We see the work of the Holy Spirit in changed lives – examples
The interior has affected the exterior
Closing Remarks