September 17, 2023

The new birth – it’s causes and effects

Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:17-6:2, Ezekiel 36:22-28
Service Type:


Key text this evening: v17 – "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
This morning: looking at new birth

We must be born again
If you are in Christ/born again – you are a new creation

This morning: the imperative ‘you must be born again’
This evening: cause and effects

How you become born again
The effects of this

Do we preach on Regeneration?

George Whitfield preached on this
It is a key doctrine
Used in the Epistles not so much for evangelism but for teaching

The main message – death, resurrection and final judgment
Paul – the crucified Christ
This message changed the world

Preacher and believer need to understand this doctrine

At times people need to be asked ‘are you born again’
A preacher cannot save – it is the work of the Holy Spirit
Salvation is an act of God – we cannot save ourselves

"Behold" this staggering truth

This happened in Paul’s life
Example of Howell Harris

The Causes

How are you born again / how is there an inward change / what happens?
It comes through the word of God

James 1:18 – the will of God through the word of truth

God’s word has great power

1 Pet 1:23 – the word of God is eternal and pure

Preaching Christ

The ministry of reconciliation (v18)


The new birth comes as we preach this ministry

The apostles are ambassadors for Christ (v19)
v11 – knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade men
Be reconciled to God (v20)

They were constrained to preach the word of God by the love of Christ (v14)
Do not receive the grace of God in vain (6:1)

Parable of the great supper – Luke 14

Preaching man’s responsibility

Those whom crucified Jesus – repent and be baptised
Example of the Puritans

Do you have confidence in God’s word?
Quote from John Stott – ‘believe is the consequence and not the cause of new birth’

Before we can believe – we must be born again, we must have spiritual life

The Effects

We become a new creation (v17)

This reminds us of the first creation
Through the word of God there is new creation

A work of God
A spiritual transformation
Given a new heart – so we want to do things that please God

We are in Christ

"Therefore" – we must go back to v15-16

Christ "died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer."
We are given a new perspective
We do not judge according to the flesh, realising we are sinners

A radical change in our lives

We are attracted to Jesus, we love the Bible and His ways
We have a new lifestyle, a new trajectory in our life
Gal 6:14, 2:20
Example of Nicodemus – John 7:50-51, 19:39
Examples in the New Testament

Zacchaeus – changed from a grabber to a giver
Lydia – her heart was opened to the things Paul preached and she was baptised
Philippian Jailer – cared for Paul/Silas, he and his household were baptised

There is a spiritual battle

Eph 4:22-32 – there are things we are to "put off"

We are not perfect
Put on Christ

We have power through the Holy Spirit to know victory over sin – when we are a new creation

We can forgive others as God has forgiven us
Old things have passed away
We are now a child of light

Closing Remarks

Have you been born again?
If so – praised God
Pray to walk in the likeness of Christ
Be well pleasing to God