September 24, 2023

Church Anniversary Service

Passage: Luke 5:1-11
Service Type:

N.B. Apologies – the audio fades out at times as the speaker moved away from the lectern/microphones

A fishy story
Jesus gives ‘fishy’ advice
The story – not about the fish
Painting a picture

Up North
Jesus had been preaching and teaching
Word of mouth is spreading

The Scene

Crowds gathering around the Sea of Galilee

There is a crowd gathered this morning
Do we have faith the building can be full again?
Born for such a time as this

The aim to hear the word of God

God’s word brings light

The people at the back had difficulty seeing and hearing Jesus
Jesus goes out in a boat on the lake

He sat down to preach
He was likely wearing ordinary clothes
The main focus is the word of God

The content of the preaching is unknown

But He was preaching about the kingdom of God (Luke 4:43)

Simon (v4-7)

Having taught the crowds – Jesus turns to Simon

A vital lesson for us

God’s speaks to us

God speaks to a congregation

Through Sunday Services
Through mid-week prayer meetings
Do we believe that God is speaking?
Do we consider that it is Jesus speaking?
What does God want for this church?

God speaks to individuals

God speaks to Simon Peter
Do we think ‘if only so and so was here’?
God speaks to us

Lessons from what God says

Reading v4-7

Payback time for Simon

Jesus borrowed Simon’s boat and He will pay for it’s hire

He pays very well

Jesus is no man’s debtor
What do we own?
What do we hold on an open palm?


"Put down your net for a catch"

Fishing – is usually at night
Peter calls him Master/Teacher

He respects his teaching about the kingdom of God
Does he think he is the fisherman and Jesus the teacher?
But he has seen and heard things about Jesus

In the wrong place / at the wrong time – but at the word of Jesus Christ

It seems foolish
Yet "at your word I will let down the nets"

Not about catching fish but catching men
It seems a weird request

But so many fish are caught!
Abundant payment from Jesus
Personal example
Serving the Lord – "He is no mans debtor"

Who Jesus Christ is

Master / Teacher / Rabbi – to begin with (v5)

How did He know the fish were there?

O Lord (v8)

A high term for Lord
The penny has dropped
Depart from sinful me

There is always more to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ

Is that why we have come to Church?
Are too big and Jesus is too small?
Do we minimise ourself and enlarge Jesus?
Are we humble?
A right view of Jesus and a right view of ourselves
There should not be a proud Christian

What is Jesus doing? – a call to ministry

For Simon – a call to ministry

To us – a call to mission

Who can Jesus use?

Sinful men
Those who know they are sinful
Those who are humble
Our sin humbles us before a Holy God
Repentance (after salvation) – a daily occurrence
In our weakness, God is glorifed

Jesus commissions Peter

A fisher of men
This is our business

Our main aim is to be fishers of men
Toiling in our area
Do we believe God can come in great power?

As individuals – we are fishers of men

Always on duty

Are you saved this morning?

We can know God only through Jesus Christ

He lived a perfect life
He died on calvary to pay the penalty for our sin
He rose again

Repent and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ
Trust in the gospel of Jesus Christ

Do not lose this vision – we are fishers of men