Personal Integrity
Have you known people who have gone through deep trauma
It might be difficult for them to trust
When trust has broken down – people are often broken inside
When people see your genuineness and sincerity – they can learn to trust
Our lives must match what we say
Looking at 2 Cor 5:11-6
Paul was a man of absolute integrity
People were trying to undermine his integrity
Paul is seeking to present himself before the Corinthians
Well known to God and their conscience
Not boasting in appearance
Defending his integrity for the sake of the gospel
2 Cor 4:2 – not hidden, not crafty, not deceitful; but speaking the truth
2 Cor 10:10-11 – Paul may not be eloquent but preaches in the power of the Holy Spirit
Paul was facing a lot of personal criticism
2 Cor 1:12-13 – he had a good conscience (informed by the word of God)
Paul’s motivation – the fear of living God
There will be a judgment
Knowing the "terror of the Lord, we persuade men" (v11)
Often translated as "fear" as there was only one word in Greek for fear
We often talk about fear that arises from sin
Do we fear God?
Persuading men
His role was to share the gospel
He was seeking to persuade men that he was true and of integrity
How does the fear of God persuade us?
Paul’s integrity – before God and men
Paul has a good conscience before others
What about our consciences?
Paul was well known to God and to others
Paul wants us to be open books
Paul’s appeal – for their loyality and support
v12 – their hope was the Corinthians would stand with them
Speak a word for them
We can be hurt the most when fellow Christians do not stand up for us
When pastors are maligned and friends/colleagues do not stand up
We do need to be open to criticism and examine ourselves
We need to learn to love people who criticise us
We need to stand up for those who are unjustly criticised
Apologise if not
Paul was robust 1 Cor 4:3-5 [starting at v4]
What great maturity
We often take things to heart and can become bitter
Quote from Spurgeon – one blind eye and one deaf ear
Paul needs the Corinthians support and loyality
Paul’s conduct – a time to be radical and sober-minded
v13 – at times Paul seems to be out of his mind, too radical
Example of the Prophet Agabus
The disciples tried to dissuade Paul from going to Jerusalem
Yet he went – he might have seemed to be out of his mind – but it was God’s will
Example of Pauline Hamiliton
Mark 3:20-21 – people said Jesus was out of His mind
Being of sound mind
Wise, rational, discrete
Not going off doing crazy things
Paul conducts himself for God and the Corinthians
We should do things for God and others
We must not do things for ourselves
Example of Josh Wallis
Paul’s motivation – the love of Christ
Our motivation in living for others – the love of Christ
The Lord Jesus has died for us
This love fills our heart
This love constrains us to pray and love others
The love of Jesus should enable us to help others, please God and share the gospel
May it be the love of Christ motivating us
Example of Henry Martin
Paul’s perspective – seeing as God sees
We are new creations
We have a new perspective
We no longer treat people according to the flesh – examples
We love as Christ does
We remember that ‘without the grace of God go I’
We no longer see Christ in His humanity but as resurrected King
So we see others differently
We see Christ in each other
We put off the old man/nature and put on Christ
Closing Remarks/Recap
Paul’s motivation (the fear of God)
Paul’s integrity
Paul’s appeal
Paul’s conduct
Paul’s motivation (the love of Christ)
Paul’s new perspective
Lord, help us to be people of integrity