September 10, 2023

The Word

Passage: John 1:1-18
Service Type:


Have you written a book?

Did you attach your name to it?

John did not attach his name to his gospel

He did not want to bring glory to himself
His gospel is different to that of Matthew, Mark and Luke

More narrative
He wanted the focus to be on Jesus Christ

The reason for writing the gospel – John 20:30-31

That you might believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah – the anointed of God – and have eternal life

He briefly refers to himself as an unnamed disciple X:35, 37, 41; 13:23, 18:15-16, 19:26, 20:3-8, 21:20-21
Looking at v1-12

A very deep teaching
The Word was God and took on flesh


How can human beings know God?
Who is the Word?
How can I know God personally?

How can human beings know God?

Example of ‘door to door’ work

Not a question many are asking
Yet a fundamental question

God exists

Atheists suppress this truth because they do not want to be accountable
Creation declares the glory of God – Psalm 19

The invisible attributes of God are clearly seen – Rom 1:20

God has given us a conscience

An innate sense of right and wrong
Rom 2:15 – God’s law is written on our hearts and our conscience bears witness (though it can be seared)

This does not tell us about God’s love, His full character, His ways, about the Trinity
We need a special revelation to know God fully and completely

Because we are sinful – examples
We are cut off from God

Yet God sent His Son into the world to be the Light of the World

God gave a promise – Gen 3:15
God has continued to speak to His people – Abraham, the prophets, the Law
The full revelation of God in Jesus Christ – Heb 1:1-2
No-one can come to the Father except through Christ

No-one has seen the Father except Christ – not even Moses

We can know God through the Son

We need more than creation
We need more that the general/progressive revelation of the Bible
We need the special revelation of Jesus Christ

Who is the Word?

In the beginning was the Word

The New Testament – written in Greek

The Old Testament – written in Aramaic
The Word – means the self-revelation of God

Jesus is pre-existent

Gen 1:1 – In the beginning

Jesus is face-to-face with God
Jesus is God

This must have blown the mind of the readers
Do you believe in the full deity of Jesus Christ?

You cannot be saved if you deny the deity of Christ!

He is the God-man

Example of Heretic Cerinthus

Perhaps in part John is writing to defend Biblical truth
He also writes three letters and defends against heretics
He also writes Revelation

In the beginning with God
All things were made through Him

He spoke the world into existence
He sustains the world
He is the creator
Who is Jesus to you?

Is he a good man?


He is life

He is the source of all life
He is the fountain of all spiritual life
"I am"

John 17:5

He is light

Pure, pervasive, illuminating, warms/cheers, but also burns
He is the holy one of God
He knows all things

We do not come to Jesus lest our sins be exposed in His light
If we turn from our sin and darkness – He casts it out

Due to time we will return to further points next week

How can I know God personally?

v12 – believe in Christ

Do not be children of wrath – become a child of God
You need to receive Him

Example of Owen Jones

Are you aware of your sin?
Do you know there is only one way that sins can be forgiven?

Receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour

No penance or works – simply come to Jesus
Ask for salvation