June 30, 2024

The Ultimacy of the Gospel

Passage: Isa 60:1-7, 19-22
Service Type:


  • Celebrating 200 years
    • Also to acknowledge the difficulties
      • Scotland declares itself a secular nation
      • Pride marches
      • Politicians without faith
    • The enemies of the gospel are gloating
  • This is not the real story
    • Isa 60 - we find a man in equally trying days
    • He reminds us of the ultimaticy of the Gospel
  • Overview:
    • Undeniable Darkness
    • Unstoppable Hope
    • Unshakeable Purpose

Undeniable Darkness (v2a)

  • v2 - darkness and deep darkness
    • Darkness: the absence of light
    • Deep darkness: absolute blackness
  • Isaiah had watched the darkness coming over many years
    • Example
    • For decades: good/bad kings, with hope/promises of better things but it is deep darkness
  • History:
    • The kingdom is divided
    • Southern Israel was conquered by Assyria
      • Judah hung by a very, very thin thread - explanation
      • You can almost sense satan waiting to cut the thread
  • We can see a growing darkness
    • A focus on money, casting off religion
    • Quote from CK Chesterton

* Also an unstoppable purpose v2b-4

Unstoppable Hope (v2b-4)

  • Also an unstoppable purpose v2b-4
    • Isaiah is giving us a glimpse into the gospel hope of Jesus Christ
    • This is unstoppable - definition
  • Unstoppable:
    • Because God is at work - Dan 2:44
      • Jesus would triumph at the cross
      • v4-7: the nations would no longer harass Israel but come and bring gifts to God
        • The enemies would become servants
        • Example of the salvation of other nations
      • v14: to Zion
        • God's people
        • We need to be careful how we speak about the Church of God
          • It will be glorious
          • It is God's purpose and design

Unshakeable Purpose (v19-22)

  • We are caught up in an unstoppable hope because it is routed in an unshakeable purpose
  • How do we live?
    • v19
      • Rev 22:5
      • We are moving towards this day - which will come
  • The Cross of Christ has won everything - explanation
  • To heed the warning
    • (v12) - not to reject the gospel
    • Come to Jesus this morning
  • Live everyday in the wonder of the day to come
    • Do not just look at the darkness
    • Look to the day we will stand with Christ
    • Example of Brownlee brothers - will Christ not do the same for you?