Without Me you can do nothing
The context: a long discourse from Jesus to the 11 disciples
It is intimate – Judas has left
He has given much encouragement
He has promised the Holy Spirit
God within them
A counsellor to guide in truth and life
He promised them peace
Jesus knows the ruler of the world is coming (John 14:30)
The hour and power of darkness
Satan had no platform in Jesus’ life
Satan can have a platform in our life – using things in our heart to draw us away
Jesus arises to do battle with satan (John 14:31)
Jesus starts to speak about vines
A peculiar saying "I AM"
The resurrection, the bread of life, the way truth and the life, etc
"I am the true vine"
Jesus was claiming deity with God
The Israelites understood this metaphor – to ‘be the vine of God’
Isa 5:1-2
Jer 2:21
However, they had failed / were not
Jesus was everything that Israel should have been
Remaining in the vine – focussing on v5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing".
Without connect to Jesus there is no salvation
Without abiding in Him there is no spiritual growth
In Him all blessings flow
Without connect to Jesus there is no salvation
A image of a dead/withering branch
It must be removed from the vine and is burned up
A frightening image
People may seem to be in Christ but have not repented of their sin
They know about God but the do not know God
They have no relationship with the living God and are spiritually dead
Every branch not in Christ is cast out and burned (v6)
People must repent, trust in Christ’s salvation and know His forgiveness
Otherwise they will one day be cast into the everlasting fires of God
Christ has the grace and compassion to warn people
To reject Jesus is serious
We must give up on self and surrender to Jesus Christ
God rejects people if they reject Him
Saying no to His Son – Jesus Christ
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour?
Are you vitally connected to Him?
Without abiding in Him there is no spiritual growth
10 times the word ‘abide’ is used
Necessary for fruit and growth
Example of Dave Cook
Example of Colin Hart
An organic relationship – vine and branch
A living relationship with God
We keeps His laws because we love Him
We pray (v7)
We keep/read/meditate/practice His word
His word cleanses us (v3)
We keep the commands of God (v10)
Producing fruit takes effort – example
2 Pet 1:5-7
Examples – pastor, the Gibeonites, the 2.5 tribes, running a race
We need our minds to be informed by the word of God
We need to be self-controlled
We need the fruit of the Holy Spirit
We need to keep going
We are known by our fruit
Having these qualities makes us efficient and productive
2 Pet 1:8-10
In Him all blessings flow
We will continue next week
Closing Remarks
‘We’ are the branches
Christianity is individual and corporate
Let us stay and work together
Next week: pruned to bear more fruit