Continue in Christ
The world as we know it has changed dramatically
For many it has been a journey
Many men of God brought us back to the Bible
The people of God have moved forward
Dramatically since the 1990’s
But not the situation today
How do we face such days
We looked this morning at the ultimacy of the Gospel
God is not the least disturbed
How do we demonstrate this in our own hearts?
To put our feet on firm ground
Don’t be duped
Don’t forget who you are in Christ
Don’t be duped
Paul is writing to a new church
Writing some years later
An invasion of people that are disturbing God’s people
Don’t be duped
Example of scams
There are ‘scams’ within the church of God – false prophets and false teachers (2 Pet 2:1)
We may need to study more deeply – we must avoid a shallow Christianity
We do not need anything ‘new’
Col 2:11-14
That which Christ has done on the cross is immovable
v12 – we are raised with Christ from the dead
Talking about Christians
Explanation of the Gospel
Have you come to Christ?
United with Christ’s victory at Calvary
There is no better or other unity
v13 – alive with Christ
Given a new heart and new mind
v14 – taken away our guilt and nailed it to the cross
Do you have a tender conscience?
Sins past, present and future – taken to the cross
Why would you be so foolish to turn to something less?
Don’t be duped
Don’t forget who you are in Christ
Remember who you are
From the negative (don’t be duped)
To the positive
Col 3:1-3
Remember who you are (v1-2)
Personal example re identity
A new life – is all new
Past assumptions fall away
Our identity is in Christ
Not in our emotions
In Christ – 1:2
Nothing can change this reality
Remember you were raised in Christ (v1)
United to the life of Christ
A fundamental shift in our life and identity
Personal example
Christ takes the lead
Seek those things that are above
Now our hearts seek after Him
Set your mind on things that are above
Set – to ‘nail into the wall’
Not earthly things
To be on the right side of eternity
Do we institute a new approach?
Are you reading the Bible daily?
Remember to grow
2 Peter 1:2-3 – we have been given all we need
Grow in Christ
Closing Remarks
What do we need in today’s generation? – nothing more than we have ever needed
Example of Helen O’Brien – to be in Christ
To have the scent of Christ upon us