April 2, 2023

The Trial of Jesus

Passage: Luke 22:63-23:25
Service Type:


Communion is about thanksgiving

A time for seriousness and to remember all that it cost Christ

Looking at the trial of Jesus Christ

A massive miscarriage of justice

We have known several miscarriages of justice – examples
The greatest is that of the false accusations and the death penalty against Jesus Christ

A great suffering
A great injustice
The bearing of sin (in our place)

The murderer Barabbas was released instead of Jesus

Jesus died in the place of Barabbas
Jesus died in our place

Yet great good came from it

The greatest blessing came to this world
Jesus bring forgiveness of sins and a place in heaven with Him

The Circumstances of the Trial
A religious trial

You need to put all four gospels together to get the full account

Jesus was up all night at Caiaphas’ house
Another trial in the morning with Herod

It was illegal to hold a trial a night – but the Jews didn’t care

They had brought false witnesses

v63-65 – they struck and blasphemed Jesus – He did not respond
v66 – the elders took Jesus before the Sanhedrin

They were corrupt
They come with false accusations – that were contradictory
They twisted Jesus’ words about His death and resurrection – but still things did not add up

v67-69 – the put Jesus under oath [Matthew] to answer if He is the Christ

There was little point in responding
He tells them "the Son of Man will sit on the right hand of the power of God"

v70 – They understand the prophecy of Daniel that He is equating Himself equal to God

They accuse Him of blasphemy
Yet they were the ones blaspheming the very Son of God

A civil trial

23:1 – They knew these religious ideas would not stick with Pilate
v2 – They brought false accusations to Pilate

They subverted His word
Jesus taught openly about forgiveness
He did not pervert the nation in any way
He was a King – of a spiritual kingdom, not to set up civil government

v3 – He answered Pilate’s query without defending Himself
v4 – Pilate sees through their false accusations and finds no fault in Him
v5 –

The Characters of the Trial
The Pharisees

The pharisees were offended

Jesus pronounced woes upon them
He used very strong language against them

They were jealous
They were corrupt

They brought false accusations
They encouraged Judas to take a bribe
They had a kangaroo court

They were wicked


History records he is a brutal man

Quote from non-Christian historian
We may think he has a strong moral compass but he did not

Luke 13:1

What do we learn about him?

He did not give in straight away to the Jewish request

His conscience was not totally seared
He sends Jesus to Herod

He tried a cultural trick of offering to release Barabbas or Jesus
Eventually he gives in

Despite a warning from his wife – Matthew 27:19

He is more concerned about his own position than justice

He knows the accusation is grave
He knows he could lose his job and his life if the situation comes before Caesar

Example of politician

He has Jesus scourged


He had longed to see Jesus to see some miracle

Yet he had John the Baptist beheaded
He was initially fearful of Jesus thinking he was John the Baptist

He was not wanting to hear the teaching of Jesus – but see a miracle

Do people go to church today wanting to see a miracle but not listening to the teachings of the Bible?
Jesus did not answer him one word

He mocks Jesus and sends him back to Pilate
He becomes friends with Pilate

Jesus Christ

His silence speaks so powerfully

He shows remarkable restraint

He was silent like a sheep before its shearer

He is submissive to the Father’s will

He does not correct the record
He knows He must go to the cross

He shows not retaliation

He is beaten, spat on, mocked
He does no call upon God or angels to intervene

He trusts His Father

John 19:10-11
He is willing to go the cross to die for sinners

He is holy, bold and true – trusting His Father’s will

The Conclusion of the Trial

The people call down a curse upon themselves

Consider the warning that Jesus spoke this morning (Luke 23:28-31)

Jesus’ eye is upon the cross

Obtaining a salvation for people
For the joy set before Him, He endure the cross

He was fulfilling the purposes of God

That we who are guilty might be given

Trust in Jesus righteousness

He satisfied all the demands of God’s justice
He who trusts in Jesus has forgiveness and eternal life

Closing Remarks