The reality of and the reactions to the cross
Was there a time when you were in awe?
How did these moments make you feel?
Matt 27 – is an awe inspiring experience
In a way different to the previous examples
It cannot make us think better of the world around us
It is a historical account that makes us aware we stand on holy ground
It is a well known passage
Have we really heard it all before?
There are events beyond human understanding
The reality of the cross
Example of The Passion of the Christ
The history of the cross has been sanitised
But it was brutal
Any crucifixion was horrifying
Quote from Cicero
The gospels talk a lot about the crucifixion
Jesus endured such torture at the cross – examples
There is little of the physicality in the gospels – examples
There is little of the reality because the main thing is the significance of the event
We are to focus on the spiritual and not the physical
This is no ordinary death
You cannot avoid it:
Darkness and dereliction
Divine vandalism – the tearing of the curtain
Death reversed – a mass resurrection
Darkness and dereliction (v45-46)
Example of the Blackout
It must have been disconcerting and eerie
There was a major blackout
An extensive darkness that lasted about 3 hours – when the sun was supposed to at its highest
Why darkness?
It is a symbol of darkness
2 Peter 2:17
Matt 24:29
A cry of dereliction – v46
Judgement falling upon Jesus
God never ceased to love His Son
Jesus is forsaken
2 Cor 5:21
How do we respond?
Our sin is absolutely awful
It caused Jesus to be made sin for us
God deals with our sin [through Jesus] – He chooses to remember our sins no more
Isa 53:5
Are you a Christian?
If so, you are free from sin
If not?
The world does not understand and explains away sin
People are not held accountable for the actions
Quote from Ben Fogle – be who you are
We are sinners and our sin is real to God
God will hold us to account
Does this not make us hate our sin all the more?
Quote from Paul McLachlan
God is making something good from evil
It is finished (v50)
Divine vandalism – the tearing of the curtain (v51-52)
The curtain is torn in two
The Jewish priests would have been ministering in the temple
But now it is open to all
The ceremonial law has been removed
Heb 10:20
Quote fromSong: There is a way back to God
Death reversed – a mass resurrection
An earthquake so violent it splits rocks and opens tombs
The resurrection of the dead – v52
This confirms:
That sin is forgiven
That death is defeated
That we have eternal life
Quote from Ricky Gervais
Our life is eternal
There is no victory or sting in death
The reactions to the cross
There were witnesses present that respond in different ways
If eye witnesses were ignorant of the implications – how much more can we be?
The mockers
The crowd – v40
The chief priests, scribes and elders – v42-43
Those who were in the greatest place to recognise Jesus …
Were the ones that were most ridiculing Jesus
Have we been doing the same?
Do not be blinded to the need to have forgiveness of sin
Repent now
The onlookers
Luke 23:48
They beat their breasts to show grief …
They realise that they are responsible for the death of Jesus …
But walk away to carry on their lives
2 Cor 7:10
Do not drift away
The followers
Women and disciples following Jesus at a distance
They are playing it safe
Are we Christians who play it safe?
Who keep a distance from Jesus Christ?
The Centurion (v54)
He realises that this crucifixion was like no other he had witnessed before
He realises that this is a Righteous Man / the Son of God
What do you think?
Look [to Jesus] today
Look [to Jesus] and believe
Closing Remarks