April 9, 2023

Devotion & Surprise: Burial & Resurrection

Passage: Luke 23:50-24:10
Service Type:


Certain topics on the news are repeated:

Women in society

What does the Bible say about such subjects?

It does not shy away from the truth and the realities of human life

The crucifixion/Easter story sadly shows human nature at its worse

Corrupt religious leadership people

People looked up to – bribing Judas, twisting truth, bring false accusation that the very Son of God would suffer the death penalty

Corrupt leaders like Pilate

Prepared to condemn an innocent man to save his career

We see some surprising truths:

Women at the cross after the disciples had fled
Women sympathisers on the road to calvary
Women were the first to see the risen Lord Jesus Christ
Women that worshipped Jesus

Jesus treated with women with dignity and love – compared to how people treated women at the time

Joseph of Arimathea

Of all that were consenting to Jesus’ death – there was a secret believer


The women
Joseph of Arimathea

Joseph of Arimathea (v50-53)

He was a religious leader

He was part of the highest [Jewish] court in the land
He was a prominent member of the council
He was a good and just man
He did not consent to the death of Jesus Christ

He was not perfect – he was fearful

He was a secret disciple of the Lord Jesus as he feared the Jews

Are there are secret believers amongst us?
Frightened about what others, family, colleagues might say?

What Joseph of Arimathea was about to do was very public
We have a baptism on 7th May – a public declaration of the salvation of God

He was a good and just man (v50)

The Bible says there is no-one good – all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
The centurion uses the same word of Jesus – "a righteous Man"
How can this be?

We are all sinners in the sight of God
Only Jesus Christ is perfect, spotless and without sin
He was utterly righteous – he obeyed the law fully and rightly

He was righteous by grace

He had the imputed righteousness of Christ

His sin had been nailed to the cross and he had received Jesus’ righteousness

He had righteousness imparted by God

The Spirit of God was living in him

There were those who were righteous – awaiting the righteousness of God

Luke 1:6 – John the Baptist’s parents
* God had a remnant among an apostate nation
Luke 2:25 – Simeon
Luke 2:37 – Anna

Example of Church in Skewen
How would God describe us this morning?

Would we say ‘I am just a sinner’?
Yet for those who trust in Jesus Christ – we trust in Jesus righteousness
We can only be just and good by the grace of God

He was a rich man

He had great wealth

1 Cor 1:26ff

The Bible says that not many who are rich are called
James tells us it is the poor who are called to be rich in grace

Riches tend to make you proud
Riches tend to have a hold over you

He was not going to serve his riches but gave up something precious to him – his tomb

He was fulfilling Scripture – Isa 53:9

He had gone to Pilate to ask for the body

None of His bones were broken but a spear placed in His side – as prophesied in the Psalms

He had given up His spirit

He loved Jesus Christ

Do you?
If you do, what are you prepared to do for Him?
1 Cor 15:58
What is your response to the one who died and rose again?
Take up your cross and follow Him
Believe in Him today

The Women (v55-56)

They were watching

They did not go to the wrong tomb – they observed where He had been laid

They were eye witnesses
They want to do something for Jesus

Within the 3-hour window before the Sabbath begins – they begin to prepare spices
They rest on the Sabbath day – because it was given as a blessing to man

They went on the first day of the week with their spices (24:1)
They order of events can be a bit confusing – you need to look at the other gospels

Mary Magdalene came first
Peter and John rush to the tomb
The women have an encounter with the angels whilst waiting for Peter and John to arrive

Jesus is risen

They are dedicated

They held onto Jesus
The men were unbelieving as their sorrow had clouded their minds

God was gracious – each one would come to believe

Jesus had overcome death and sin on the cross

He is raised with a glorified body

What is your response this morning?

Many people today do not believe the doctrine of the resurrection

Do you believe?

Do you believe in a God who cannot do the impossible?

With God all things are possible

Believe and follow Him

Closing Remarks

Luke 9:23

We must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus
Die to self and gain everlasting life