April 2, 2023

Love at Calvary

Passage: Luke 23:26-49
Service Type:


Do you feel lonely or isolated?

Do you feel opposed / that someone is against you?
Such feelings can be difficult to cope with

Jesus Christ was surrounded by people (not all were His friends)

He had longed to spend the last supper with them
Now He is alone – betrayed by Judas, denied by Peter, abandoned by the other apostles
It seemed the whole world was against Him

"Crucify Him" the crowds shouted

Yet, He was not alone

When He faced Caiaphas, before Herod, as He walked to Calvary
The Father was with Him
Nothing could separate the Son from the Father

The Father never stopped loving the Son

Calvary is the greatest demonstration of God’s love for us

Christ bled and died for sin
God turned His face away as Jesus was bearing the sin of the world
The grief this caused the Father


The Father’s love for Jesus
The Son’s love for us
Our love for Him?

The Father’s love for Jesus

In the Garden of Gethsemane the Father sent angels to strengthen Jesus
On the road to Calvary God provided Simon of Cyrene

Modern day Libya
God’s love

Simon of Cyrene

The father of Rufus and Alex

Rom 16:13 – Rufus became a Christian
Acts 11:20 – Many Cyrenian’s travelled to Antioch to preach the word

Did this man become saved?

His son was saved?
A great group travel to Antioch to preach and one becomes established in the Church

Many people followed Jesus – v7ff

There were many who went to taunt
Yet there were women who mourned and lamented Him – v27

They sympathised with Jesus

Jesus was not going to the cross alone

First, Simon of Cyrene
Second, these women
Consider the voice of God the Father at His baptism and transfiguration

If you are going through a time of suffering

God is with you

The Son’s love for us
Jesus’ love for the women

The words at first seem a rebuke and warning – v28-31

At a time of such evil and desperation it would be better to have not had children

It is a warning, out of love

The nation has rebelled against God

They have rejected the Messiah, killed the Son of God

God will cut off the nation (later to graft it in again)

God’s judgment will fall upon Israel
History records the genocide of the Israelites by the Romans culminating- the Siege of Jerusalem in AD70

Quoting from Hosea 8
If in a time of ‘green’, when they are crucifying Jesus – what will they do in a time of ‘dry’?
Do these words remind you of Rev 6?

A passage of judgment
If you reject the Son, there will come a time of judgment
Are you ready for that?

Jesus’ love for His enemies

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do" – v34

Do this prayer/these words lose impact for us?

The soldiers below couldn’t care less – they are gambling for His clothes

They begun to mock and insult Him

Jesus cries out for their forgiveness

In His pain He prays for them

Not for their judgment but that God will forgive them
He understands they are blind

In the Acts of the Apostles – many thousands were saved, including priests

Do you know God’s forgiveness?
Are you a child of God?
There is forgiveness for all sin

Jesus died for us whilst we were still in our sin

Jesus’ love for the dying thief

The soldiers offered Jesus sour wine and a plaque (more mocking)
One of the criminals starts to blaspheme Him

Matthew tells us that the other criminal initially joined in – but a remarkable change occurs

He sees Jesus’ love in reply to everything the people are doing
Perhaps he had seen Jesus’ other miracles?

He rebukes the other theif

He admits his guilt
He acknowledges Jesus’ innocence

He asks Jesus to remember Him in heaven

Jesus assures him he will be join Him in paradise
He could not (and no man can) work for salvation
Jesus offers salvation as a free gift
Do not put it off for a death bed experience

How do you understand Christianity?

We have all fallen short of God’s glory
We all deserve death but have the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ
Trust in the righteousness of Jesus

Our love for Him?

What is your response this morning?

You cannot be indifferent

The Centurion’s response – v47

That He was a righteous man
He had seen the various events around the cross and he glorified God
He confess the Lord Jesus with his lips

There must be a response to the Lord Jesus this morning

We must confess Him with our lips

The crowd’s response – v48

They were no longer mocking or jeering, but beating their breasts
They are stirred by events and moved to tears
This emotion is temporary and does not lead to any confession of the Lord Jesus Christ

May that not be anyone here

The womens’ response – v49

They stood at a distance (along with some of the men) watching
They loved Jesus with all their heart
They went to the tomb to anoint His body

Do you love Jesus?

May we say with Peter, ‘Lord you know that I love you’
What is your response this morning?

Closing Remarks

Believe in Him