The Resurrection of Jesus
Bible Text: Luke 24:28-48 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Easter Services | Introduction
Easter is a glorious time
A blessed time a Parc Newydd
A blessed time on Good Friday
Here to celebrate Easter Sunday
Easter is not a happy time for all
We all have to face death
Death is a difficult time
There can be a sense of confusion and numbness
Death is not easy
Personal example
The disciples loved the Lord Jesus Christ more than family members
They had known peace and forgiveness
To their horror and confusion He was publicly executed by the Romans
Two members of the Sanhedrin blessed Jesus in their sacrifice
The Grave
24:1-3 – speaks of what the women had come to do
The guards had fled because of the angels
They came to an empty tomb
They must have thought that someone had stolen the body
What purpose was there for the Jews or Romans to take the body?
What purpose was there for the disciples to take the body?
Why would the preach and die for a fabricated story?
The women thought was than someone had taken the body
24:4-8 – The angels spoke to the women
The suddenly remembered what Jesus had previously spoke to them
They were full of hope and full of joy
What do you believe about the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
The whole of Christianity rests upon this doctrine
If true, it changes everything!
All of us will face the grave
Is there no hope in death?
The Christian’s confidence is victory over death
We do not need to fear death if we are trusting in Him
Personal Challenge
Are you willing to sift the evidence and run to Jesus?
Example of Millie and Toby Saville
The hope of the Easter Message
Example of the American Pastor
The Disciples
24:9-11 – the women informed the disciples
The disciples did not believe them (v11)
Is the resurrection a stumbling block for you?
Do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead?
Two of the apostles ran to the grave
They saw the neatly folded grave clothes
Peter and John saw the evidence
They ran – are you eager to seek the risen Christ?
Christianity is not a blind faith
It is based on historical facts
Far more historical evidence that for contempary peers like Julius Caesar
Historical evidence from secular commentators like Tassitus
Witnesses of the women, the 11, over 500 people at once
Indisputable facts
There is more to the world than just chemistry, biology or physics
The resurrection is central to Christianity
There is more depression now that ever
We are a blameful culture
We give our opinions publicly
There are people who are socially isolated
The two are low in spirit (24:17)
It is good that the are contemplating …
…but so often we dwell on the negative
Jesus speaks of Himself (24:25)
They need the word of God
They need a solid anchor
Their souls needs teaching and reviving
Their hearts burned within them (24:32)
The word of God revived their souls
What do we need in times of sadness?
The comfort of friends
Above all the word of God and the presence of Christ
Jesus’ Compassion
24:36 – Jesus knows they need help so appears to them again
“Peace to you”
No rebuke over those who deserted Him
Jesus speaks tender words to them
They think they have seen a spirit
Jesus calms them
He eats before them
Jesus condescends to them
He proves to them who He is
Jesus often comes to us in our point of need to strengthen us
Personal Challenge
Jesus taught the two on the road to Emmaus
Jesus taught the 11 (24:44-45)
How we need Jesus’ teaching
Receive His teaching
Closing Challenge