The Resurrection of Jesus
- Easter is a glorious time
- A blessed time a Parc Newydd
- A blessed time on Good Friday
- Here to celebrate Easter Sunday
- Easter is not a happy time for all
- We all have to face death
- Death is a difficult time
- There can be a sense of confusion and numbness
- Death is not easy
- Personal example
- The disciples loved the Lord Jesus Christ more than family members
- They had known peace and forgiveness
- To their horror and confusion He was publicly executed by the Romans
- Two members of the Sanhedrin blessed Jesus in their sacrifice
The Grave
- 24:1-3 – speaks of what the women had come to do
- The guards had fled because of the angels
- They came to an empty tomb
- They must have thought that someone had stolen the body
- What purpose was there for the Jews or Romans to take the body?
- What purpose was there for the disciples to take the body?
- Why would the preach and die for a fabricated story?
- The women thought was than someone had taken the body
- 24:4-8 – The angels spoke to the women
- The suddenly remembered what Jesus had previously spoke to them
- They were full of hope and full of joy
- What do you believe about the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
- The whole of Christianity rests upon this doctrine
- If true, it changes everything!
- All of us will face the grave
- Is there no hope in death?
- The Christian's confidence is victory over death
- We do not need to fear death if we are trusting in Him
- 24:46-47
- Personal Challenge
- Are you willing to sift the evidence and run to Jesus?
- Example of Millie and Toby Saville
- The hope of the Easter Message
- Example of the American Pastor
The Disciples
- 24:9-11 – the women informed the disciples
- The disciples did not believe them (v11)
- Is the resurrection a stumbling block for you?
- Do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead?
- Two of the apostles ran to the grave
- They saw the neatly folded grave clothes
- Peter and John saw the evidence
- They ran - are you eager to seek the risen Christ?
- Christianity is not a blind faith
- It is based on historical facts
- Far more historical evidence that for contempary peers like Julius Caesar
- Historical evidence from secular commentators like Tassitus
- Witnesses of the women, the 11, over 500 people at once
- Indisputable facts
- There is more to the world than just chemistry, biology or physics
- The resurrection is central to Christianity
- Depression
- There is more depression now that ever
- We are a blameful culture
- We give our opinions publicly
- There are people who are socially isolated
- The two are low in spirit (24:17)
- It is good that the are contemplating ...
- ...but so often we dwell on the negative
- Jesus speaks of Himself (24:25)
- They need the word of God
- They need a solid anchor
- Their souls needs teaching and reviving
- Their hearts burned within them (24:32)
- The word of God revived their souls
- What do we need in times of sadness?
- The comfort of friends
- Above all the word of God and the presence of Christ
Jesus' Compassion
- 24:36 – Jesus knows they need help so appears to them again
- "Peace to you"
- No rebuke over those who deserted Him
- Jesus speaks tender words to them
- They think they have seen a spirit
- Jesus calms them
- He eats before them
- Jesus condescends to them
- He proves to them who He is
- Jesus often comes to us in our point of need to strengthen us
- Personal Challenge
- Jesus taught the two on the road to Emmaus
- Jesus taught the 11 (24:44-45)
- How we need Jesus' teaching
- Receive His teaching
Closing Challenge