Old Llantrisant Hill
- Thinking of the last days of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The Last Supper
- The Passover - explanation
- These things were fulfillment of the Old Testament
- The triumphal entry on Palm Sunday
- Teaching the crowds – 21:37-38
- This had continued until Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples
- The Passover
- Ordinary for the disciples [so they thought]
- Extra-ordinary and unique for Jesus
- He would become the Lamb of God that would take away the sins of the world
- Jesus had tried to explain to His disciples what would happen – 18:31-33
- They did not understand these things – 18:34
- When Jesus was risen the Holy Spirit came to the disciples and they remembered all that Jesus had said
- "His hour had not yet come"
- A phrase that occurs throughout the Gospels
- Jesus knew there was an hour coming - now was the hour
- Jesus tried to explain to His disciples
- He broke bread that was a symbol of His body
- He poured out the wine that was a symbol of His blood
- He was inaugurating a new covenant, a new passover, a new supper
- Jesus was instituting a new covenant in His blood on the Cross of calvary
- No more sacrifices - He offered Himself once and for all
- The disciples did not see
- Do we see?
- Has it taken hold of us?
- Don't let things go by
- The Mount of Olives
- They go after the Passover meal
- Jesus is troubled as His hour is very close
- He prays to His Father
- Deeply troubled
- That He will be made sin - the Holy Righteous Sinless Son of God
- That He would be forsaken by God - out of fellowship with the Father
- The cup cannot be taken away - there is no other way
- Jesus goes to the cross because He loves us
- A multitude come for Jesus, including Judas
- Jesus knows what is coming
- He knows that Judas will betray Him with a kiss
- The disciples want to fight as it suddenly dawns on them what is happening
- The come in the dark
- They take Jesus
- They falsely accuse Him
- They have an illegal court hearing
- They take Him to the Roman Governor
- Jesus is crucified
- Alongside two criminals
- Nailed Him to the cross
- Psalm 22 & Isaiah 53 - reveals to us something that is happening to Jesus
- "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" - a glorious prayer from the cross
- He could have invoked judgment
- Instead He prays for forgiveness (for all)
- What a glorious and kind God
- Would you not like to know the peace and joy of sins forgiven?
- The promise of eternal life in paradise?
- Do not have a stubborn heart
- Like the Centurion - recognise this is the Son of God
- The power of saving grace
- The triumphal return
- There is an hour when Jesus is coming again
- It will affect our souls
- Turn and seek the Lord Jesus Christ
- Know salvation