How did people think about religion in Jesus' day?
Some people are hooked on their own beliefs and can't think outside of the box
This is the Pharisees and the Scribes of Jesus day
They had built their traditions over and above the Word of God
A Critical Accusation (v18)
v18 - not an innocent question:
The Pharisees grumbled at meeting with tax collectors (v13-14 & 16-17)
The Pharisees grumbled when the disciples picked corn on the sabbath (v23-24)
The externalist:
Concerned with outward things: style, substance, following traditions
They are critical of others
They make accusations and grumble against those that do not do the same
The Pharisees were criticising Jesus' compassion on sinners
How do you feel if you are criticised for something you have done or something someone though you ought to have done?
Those that are critical:
Forget compassion and mercy
Get wrapped up in the tiny details and forget the purpose of loving God
There is a lot of detail in Scripture that we must follow
Club mentality:
They are from a different denomination [yet they may still be in Christ]
Matt 6:16-18
Jesus was not against fasting but it is for specific times, not for show
The Pharisees were interested in a show
A Corrective Answer (v19-20)
Not the time for fasting
You may fast on a feast day (e.g. Yom Kippur)
You would not fast on a wedding day
Jesus is the bridegroom and the disciples are the bride
Now may be the time for fasting
E.g. Over sinful decisions or if a church is seeking answers
We should fast with joy
Although it is not recorded in Scripture that the disciples fasted after Jesus' death, v20 implies that they did
Isa 58:5-7
Real fasting was not just going without food but a spiritual fast
Helping others, sharing with others
A Clarifying Analogy (v21-22)
The old garment is legalistic Judaism
Jesus' message cannot blend or mix with this
Jesus' message was completely incompatible with their legalistic teaching
Jesus was not saying the old garment was the Old Testament - He made it clear that He came to fulfil and not destroy the law (the Old Testament) - but Jewish and Pharisaical tradition
What is your religion?
Work based or grace based?
Your effort, trying and obedience or grace (trusting in Jesus alone)?
Jesus reinforces His point with the wineskins
You cannot mix legalism & Jewish tradition
Jesus' claims were exclusive: "I am the way, the truth and the life"
The Roman Catholic Church, Islam and Hinduism cannot be mixed with Christianity
Plurality is good for thinking of Spirituality but not all ways lead to God