Old Llantrisant Hill
- Are you burdened about something at the moment?
- The apostle Paul was not burdened by being single, about his finances, about persecution
- The apostle Paul was most burdened by the care of all the churches
- He planted churches in all sorts of places
- He loved these people dearly
- When the church was weak it seemed to break his heart
- When a church was walking with the Lord, he rejoiced greatly (2:19-20)
- How important is the church to you and me?
- Do we have a burden for the people of God?
- Do we rejoice when we see people walking with God?
- Do we have grief when we see the people of God walking at a distance?
- Example of John Knox
Genuine Faith
- He had a burden to see genuine faith in the people of God
- There is a difference between real saving faith and human faith
- Consider the parable of the three soils [parable of the sower] - three types of people
- The faith is not saving faith - it dies and withers
- There is the good ground prepared by the Lord
- Paul had only spent only a short time in Thessalonica
- 3 Sabbaths - 3 weeks
- He had to escape satanic persecution
- He was sent on to Berea
- Paul was really concerned for them
- Paul was concerned that they might have genuine faith
- He was concerned his labour might have been in vain (v5)
- He didn't rashly believe but waited to see genuine faith
- Phil 2:16
- He wanted to see a vibrant and living church
- Paul did not want false converts
- Is that our burden - to see genuine faith?
- Paul was concerned with temptation
- Where there is genuine faith, the tempter comes to destroy
- Often with a new convert
- Often with false teachers
- Often fierce temptations
- Paul knew that the devil was 'like a roaring lion, seeking whom he can devour'
- Paul would pray night and day for these believers
- Paul was concerned about persecution
- Persecution could shake them - (v3)
- He forewarned them so when it came they knew it was of the Lord
- That God would build their faith
- Paul was was concerned they stand fast (v8)
- Do we weep and cry the people of God ravaged by satanic activity or falling into sin?
Growing in Faith
- Establishing the church
- Paul is writing this letter from Corinth
- He talks about when he was in Athens (having fled from Thessalonica and Berea)
- He sends Timothy back to the Thessalonians
- He is prepared to be alone
- He wanted to hear news of them
- He wanted Timothy to teach them, establish them (v1-2)
- Minister, brother, fellow labourer (v2)
- Encouraging the church
- Not just to establish but to encourage them also in their faith (v2)
- Consider Philemon and Barnabas
- Praying for the church - night and day
- Paul breaks into prayer (v11-13)
- Satan hindering him to visit
- Paul did not address satan directly
- He called on God to address the situation
- He had to be patient - it took 5 more years before he returned to Thessalonica
A Deepening Love
- Paul's prayer is very instructive (v11-13)
- Two subjects: God and Jesus (v11)
- God is Father (we are His children)
- Jesus is Lord
- The unity of Father and Son
- That the people would increase and abound in love
- What is your first prayer and biggest desire for other Christians?
- Paul's biggest concern was that they would grow
- He had heard a good report about their love (1:3, 3:6) - yet he prayed that their love would increase
- We should pray that our love would increase (4:9)
- Oh that our love would overflow
- A mature church is characterised by love
- Doctrine is essential
- It is no good having truth without grace
- Contrast to a weak church
- Paul's prayer was answered quickly - 2 Thess 1:3
- We need to pray that our love would increase
- Paul affirmed that he loved them
- Through love they would be established in God
- With blameless hearts and holiness before God
- Paul's prayer is that they would be ready for the Second Coming
Real Fellowship
- His longing was to see them, to enjoy mutual fellowship (2:17)
- Example of Missionary Trip in Brazil
- Paul had such a love for this people
- A mutual desire to see each other (v6)
- Do you have a desire to see people in the fellowship that you previously met with?
- Paul always desired to be with the people of God
- Paul wanted to be of benefit to them (v10)
- He wanted to help new/young Christians
- We are all part of the body - our desire should be to help each other
- Do we feel a mutual dependence on our brothers and sisters?
- Do we spend time praying for them?
- Do we spend time with them?
- Paul was a thankful minister
- Our vision is to equip the church to reach out