Old Llantrisant Hill
- Not an easy subject to speak on
- Matthew repeats many teachings of Jesus
- 13 parables to date
- 19 further parables
- 7 of them speak very plainly of hell
- The language (of Jesus Christ) is graphic and solemn
- Many of these parables speak of the end of the age
- The words we read now must be a summary of Jesus' teaching
- People marveled at Jesus' teaching
- Jesus gives a very strong warning
- Parable of the Dragnet
- Bad fish and good fish
- The wicked and the just (v49)
- Jesus speaks only about the destiny of the wicked (v50)
- Jesus' teachings on hell are given to two sets of people:
- The disciples - to solemnise them for their preaching
- Parable of the Dragnet - speaking only to His disciples (v36)
- The Pharisees - Jesus is very strong with these due to their hypocrisy
- The crowds - Jesus does not very often speak to individuals regarding hell
- Example - Samaritan woman
- Does the teaching on hell sober us and fill us with compassion?
- Example of Clark Pinnock and John Robinson
- We understand that there is powerful metaphor and images, but they point to tremendous realities
- God has used the teaching on hell to draw people to Himself (Example of Andrew)
The Picture
- Personal example of fishing in Brazil
- The example Jesus used would have been very familiar with those
who fished and used drag nets
- The angels will separate people
- Christ will judge them (Rev 20:11 - 21:8)
Other Parts of Scriptures
- Two words for hell:
- Hades: the abode of the dead, disembodied spirits
- Luke 10:15, The Gates of Hades (shall not prevail against the Church), Lazarus in paradise and the rich man in Hades
- Rev 20:14 - Hades is temporary
- Gehenna:
- Used 12 times in the New Testament
- This speaks about permanent hell, destruction of the body and soul
- Reserved for the devil, the fallen angels and all who do not know Him
- 7 times quoted in Matthew's gospel: Matt 5:22, 29, 30; 10:28, 18:9, 23:33
- This word draws from the Old Testament
- King Josiah set up a rubbish tip for idols and became a permanent tip outside of Jerusalem
- Picked up by the prophets - Isa 66:24
- John the Baptist
- The Psalmists - Ps 11:6
- The prophets - Obadiah v15, Neh 1:6, Mal 4:1
- Has the thought of hell made you tremble?
- Can we keep silent?
- The statistics on death - how many go to heaven and how many go to hell?
How will men be Judged?
- There will be a judgement according to character
- We believe it is by faith alone that you are saved ...
- ... but "Faith without works is dead!"
- John 5:28-29, Matt 7:21-23, 12:33-35, 16:27, Rom 2:5-10
The Words of Jesus (v50)
- Speaks of great wailing and gnashing of teeth
- A great rage, anger and resentment against God
- The pharisees gnashed their teeth at Stephen
- In another place it speaks of the worm not dying
- Maybe the conscience never settling
- This truth is so sobering, but we have good news in Jesus
- Explanation
- What a wonderful Saviour we have
- He is our righteousness
- By Him alone can we do good works
- Yield your heart to Jesus - there are no second chances