The Missionary Call
We need to hear again the Missionary Call
We must not choose the easy way
We must refresh ourselves with the call to Missions
The Missionary Call:
A summation of the previous 10 chapters
This has implications for the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ
v14-15 – four very poignant questions
Rom 1:10
People need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ
There are objections to this thought
Example – wrong thinking
Many people can take this view
This type of thinking is not biblical
Premise 1 – all people have heard God
Rom 1:18,19 – God has shown Himself to us
We are unrighteousness
We suppress the truth
God has put Himself in our heart and creation
Rom 1:20 – God has revealed Himself to all people
So they are without excuse
Example of Helen Keller
Rom 3:10-12
No-one is righteous
No-one really seeks God
All have turned away
Premise 2 – by suppressing the truth about God we are rightfully condemned
Humanity has held up its fist and said we want to be on our own throne
Not necessarily because they have rejected Jesus Christ but because they have rejected what God has already put in their hearts
Premise 3 – the Good News
Jesus Christ came into this world to die for sinners
Premise 4 – people need to hear the message in order to believe
The gospel is only ‘good’ news if it reaches people in time
Personal example of people dying
People need to hear the preached word of Christ
Friendship evangelism
Kind Acts
Also needed – but only the preached word can induce faith
Premise 5 – the church is the only one who can preach the message
Example of Cornelius
He was told by the angel to go to Peter
He was not accepted for being an ‘anonymous Christian’
We must hear the good news
The Church has a responsibility to preach the good news
If there is a ‘Cornelius’ – God will raise up someone to take the gospel to them
Example of dreams and visions to make contact with a Christian
Personal example – nothing special
Premise 6 – the task is urgent
At least two-thirds of the world are unreached with the gospel
At least 2.5 billion have no access to the gospel message
Rom 1:14 – Paul is under an obligation, a debtor
He has been given something that he needs to give to something else
We are all ‘debtors’ in the gospel – we have a responsibility to take the good news to the world
Three choices
We can deny this – the ‘salad bar’ approach
We can ignore this call
We can embrace it
Personal example of my gospel call
The will of God is take the gospel
Four Practical Steps
We must pray that we will respond
Some are called to leave
Some are called to be senders
Senders are to be as committed as those who go
Be sent to the people that God has already put you in
E.g. neighbours and friends
Consider crossing a boundary
E.g. Overseas mission
Closing Remarks
We are only a believer because someone crossed the boundary to us
We have received thanks for our gospel witness
It is an incredible privilege
We have a responsibility to take the gospel