How do you view the Church?
- Beginning a new series looking at Paul's letter to the Corinthians
- May not look at every chapter or verse (it is a long book)
- Starting with the first 9 verses
- The title of tonight's message - 'How do you view the Church?'
- Quote from Spurgeon
- It is the church of God in Corinth
- The church does not belong to Paul, Peter or Apollos
- The church belongs to God, loved by Jesus, set apart and sanctified by Jesus
- How do you consider the Church of Jesus Christ?
- We are a work in progress
- He is perfecting His Church
- The Church is precious to God
- We must be careful in our assessments of the church - if we see defects we must first see these in ourselves
- Example of Nehemiah
- When we consider the faults and failings of the church - we consider our own faults and failings first
- As we look at the first nine verses - we must remember that Paul is writing to a very problematic church
- It had come out of a very pagan culture
- There was lots of compromise and severe sin
- The people were very immoral - the word Corinth was a byword for immorality
- Explanation
- Corinth was very materialistic
- It was a place of much idol worship
- These people had been saved out very difficult backgrounds
- There was a spiritual battle going on
- There was a big problem with worldiness
- Paul does not mention any of these defects in the opening of his letter
- If the Corinthian church was somewhere near us - we might say have nothing to do with it
- Thank goodness the Apostle Paul was not like this and had himself received the grace of God
- Having experienced God's love he loves the Corinthian church
- Instead he begins by commending and confirming before correcting them
Problems in the church
- The cult of the celebrity
- They were following different people
- A split church - carnal
- Not mature but infighting, envy and strife
- A problematic church - but a real church of Jesus Christ
- Sexual immorality, covetous, greed, idolatry (1 Cor 6:9-11)
- They were cleansed and set apart by God
- Consider the Church of Lord Jesus Christ on a broad basis
- If they are born again then they are the people of God
- If they are struggling and battling against sin they are still the people of God - works in progress
- People in the church falling out with one another and taking each other to Court
- 1 Cor 6
- Incest (1 Cor 5)
- Drunkenness at the Lord's table
- There were many problems in this church
- Never the less it was a church of Jesus Christ
- Paul address them as beloved
- Paul calls them brothers
- Paul saw the church as a bride of Christ
- Paul brings his authority as an apostle to bear v1
- He writes alongside Sosthenes (Acts 18)
- He writes to those called to be holy
- They may have problems but the are to call on Jesus Christ
- Grace to them
To ask some questions
Reflect - what is your view of the Church of Jesus Christ
Do you see the church purely on a horizontal level?
- Do you think of the:
- People, their backgrounds, the characters that make up the church?
- Structure?
- Leadership?
- Decisions that are made?
- Activities and events?
- Do you think just on the horizontal?
- The New Testament places little emphasis on these things
- Instead it focuses on what God is doing in and through His Church - the vertical
- Paul thought of the Church in Corinth being in Christ Jesus
- x10 times
- United by Christ
- Called by Christ
- God's people call on the name of Jesus Christ
- When we consider the body we must always consider the head
- Be careful how you speak as the church belongs to Jesus Christ
What is your greatest desire for the Church?
- Do you wish the church success? - consider Ps 122
- An increase in numbers
- A greater influence on society
- A unity
- Holiness
- What is your biggest desire for the church?
- All these are laudable but v3 combines them all
- Grace and Peace - beyond just a greeting, it is a prayer and desire
- The church can only be holy by the grace of God
- The church can only grow in peace
- This only comes from the Lord Jesus Christ
- We need the Grace and Peace from God for a stronger and holy church
- We need peace to have unity
- Disunity does not bring blessing
- David longed for the peace amongst God's people in Jerusalem
How much do we complain/thank God for the church?
- v4 - Paul thanks God
- For the grace and gifts given to the people of the church
- How much we complain - examples
- Paul was concerned that the church would not complain
- 1 Cor 10:10-11
- So often we complain
- Yes we must think things through
- We must not have a complaining spirit
- Paul did not let the views of a few colour the majority
- Examples of what to thank God for
- Paul always gave thanks to God
- We need to cultivate a thankful spirit
- Paul is praying for different churches
- God wants us to remember whole churches
What can we give thanks for?
- An enrichment by God (v5)
- People who are great speakers and knowledge
- He does later have to deal with their pride caused by knowledge
- No shortage of gifts (v7)
- Tongues
- Prophesy
- Miracles
- Administration
- Words of knowledge
- They eagerly await the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
- There was real vibrancy amongst the church
- What can we say about the church in the UK?
- We must give thanks for church planting projects
- A resurgence of reformed theology
- A multiplicity of God-honouring churches
- A resurgence of sound theological books
- A resurgence of biblical teaching around the world
- As people are saved from the world - the church will become 'messy'
- There will be problems to work through
Do we focus on the faithfulness of God above all?
- Paul was confident that God would complete His work in them (v8)
- 2 Corinthians - there was great zeal from the church as they had repented of their sins
- 1 Cor 4:14-16
- He is wanting to bring them back to the gospel and a holy life
- 1 Cor 16:19-24
- Paul tells the other churches about Corinth and they greet the church
- The brothers and sisters greet them
Closing Remarks
- We have seen how the Apostle Paul loved the Church in Corinth
- We will look at some difficult things
- We need to focus on God, not the people of God (v8)
- God is faithful
- We need to confirm and encourage one another
- Yes sin must be corrected
- First from a heart of love (as the Apostle Paul did)
- How do you view the church of Christ - it is the church of God which is at Corinth