Before the Lamb
(Main points only)
What a wonderful scene
What John saw – should revolutionize our life
What a day
We need to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus
The Father on the throne and the Lamb
Example of Emma Raducanu, Bill Gates
There is no-one else in this picture – just the people at the centre
What is your view of Christ?
He who has forgiven much, loves much – illustration
Why do we do mission work?
To see people saved? – not enough
For the love of Christ
God and Jesus, then the angels, then creation (humanity and the world)
Christ is in a league of His own
Do we worship people instead of worshiping Christ?
Do we put people on pedestals?
A New Song
Have we lost the joy of our salvation?
The praise is for Jesus’ sacrificial death
There will be people from very tribe, tongue, people and nation
Quote from John Piper
What do we value and worship?
Is Christ precious to us?
How does our love for Christ manifest in our life?
How are we doing / what influence would do we have?
One day we will see the Lamb
Will we be ashamed or not?
Pray that we will follow and worship Him more completely