The Elder Brother
- Example of lady in the church
- Today looking at the Elder Brother - he felt hard done by and overlooked
- He had been faithful in the household of many years - but his younger brother was the complete opposite
- He could not understand how his father rejoiced when the younger brother came home
- He angry with his father and would not accept the younger brother - v28
- Reading v29-30
- Angry, bitter, jealous, upset
- Why did Jesus tell a parable in this way?
- About a profligate son
- But an older jealous, bitter and angry son
- At the start of the chapter
- Sinners, prostitutes and tax collectors - these were offered forgiveness
- The religious people - pharisees and scribes -> represented by the older brother
- They despised and looked down on those who were not like them
- Sadly, some people in church are like this
- This parable is a warning to us - not to be religious/proud and cut off from heaven
- Warning from Jesus
- Overview:
- A Heart Revealed
- The Father's Response
A Heart Revealed
The older brother has no real relationship with his father
- He doesn't go in when he hears the music and dancing
- He doesn't go in to his father - but his father must come out to him
- He has no love or respect in how he speaks to his father
- Is there anyone here like the elder brother?
- Have you been baptised or attend church?
- Do you have a real prayer life?
- Do you love Him?
- The elder brother represents religious people that have no real relationship with the Father
He is resentful and envious of the blessings the younger brother receives
- He feels the younger brother has wasted his life and is resentful of the blessings given him
- Are we envious of the blessings given to others?
- The pharisees lived for the prestige and honour of the crowd - the were envious of Jesus
He is full of ingratitude
- He is envious of the inheritance given to him - v12
- He is ungrateful despite his many privileges
- There is no thankfulness
- Just like the Jews - examples
- (cf 15:2)
- Examine you heart - do you often murmur and complain
He is uncompassionate and unforgiving
- v30 - "this son of yours", not my brother
- Maybe he is exaggerating the sins of his brother
- Do we focus on the sins of others?
- Do we exaggerate their faults?
- Parable of the King's Servant
- Do we hold a grudge?
- Is there someone we are refusing to forgive?
- Warren Wiersbe - people have been alienated from the Church because they refuse to forgive
He is self-righteous
- v29 - had he really "never transgressed" (though this is unlikely)
- Because he had 'obeyed' he felt owed, he felt entitled
- Some people in church feel like this - it becomes a religion
- Parable of the Vineyard Worker
- It is about grace and the goodness of God
The ugly heart of the sinner is revealed
The Father's Response
- He speaks with great love and pleads with his son (v28)
- He does not demand the son come to him but he came out to this son
- He was not angry but pleading
- Quote from Spurgeon
- Quote from Anon
- Think of the way that Jesus often spoke to the Pharisees
- The heart of God aches over the prodigal and the religious
- He is conciliatory (v31)
- He says that it is right to celebrate the return of the younger brother
- He welcomes the older brother in
- Jesus came to die for sinners
- Example of daughter living in sin
- There is a door we can walk through today to come to Jesus Christ - quote from song