Old Llantrisant Hill
- A remarkable chapter in many ways
- The first time we hear 'do not be afraid'
- The first time we have 'believe'
- The first time we learn of the doctrine of justification by faith (Gen 15:6)
- Quoted in Rom 4:3, Gal 3, James
- It is a foundational truth
- The first time we hear the "word of the Lord came"
- The first time man address God as Sovereign Lord
- The first time we read of a vision
- The first time we have deep details of a conversation between man and God
- The first time we have a clear covenant established in blood
- Chapter 14 would seem to make a good film and you might overlook chapter 15
- Chapter 15 is more significant in terms of it's teaching than chapter 14
- Abram had a vision
- How long did it last?
- Exactly what happened is hard for us to understand
- There is much teaching for us
- A passage of contrasts
- A man with fears and doubts; who questions God
- A man who has great confidence in God, who believed in God
How does the man of God sometimes feel?
- "Do not be afraid"
- After the events of Chapter 14 - the victory of the battle against the four Kings
- Tremendous exhilaration seeing God at work
- Feeling a sense of exhaustion and stress, perhaps wondering about the consequences
- Many fears might have entered his mind
- This does happen to God's servants after times of great victory
- E.g. Elijah, Jonah
- They can become vulnerable
- Perhaps there was something of God in the vision, making Abram afraid
- Being fearful is not a sign that you are not in God's ways
- He was full of doubts
- He had no offspring - v3
- What would people say if someone prayed like this today?
- There is a great difference between unbelief and doubt - he definitely believes
- We should unburden ourselves to God in prayer - we can say anything to God in prayer
- Sometimes we feel full of fears and doubts
- We are encouraged to bring it all to God
What does the man of God need to know?
- The ministry of the word of God
- He needed to know God speaking to him
- God speaks to him by name
- We need to pray, Lord speak to me (by name)
- We need words of comfort
- God is comforting Abram:
- I am Your strength and shield
- I am Your great reward
- We need to know that in whatever situation we are in, we can run to God
- People might kill the body but not the soul
- No-one can ever snatch us out of His hand
- "Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus"
- What ever we seem to lose in this life, God is our reward
- Example of Dr Martin Lloyd-Jones
The man of God needs clarification and direction
- Abram has a question (v2)
- Will Eliezer be heir?
- Abram still doesn't understand in the next chapter - he takes Hagar as mistress to bear a child
- God is a gracious god
- Consider the stars - so shall your descendants be
- Do we wrestle over issues in our lives?
- We must bring it to the Lord
- We must wait upon Him
What foundation is the man of God relying?
- He believed in the Lord (v6)
- He is in a vision
- He is not a man who practices religion or circumcision (that came later)
- He did not have the Ten Commandments
- He did not trust in himself
- Because he believed in God alone - it was accounted to Him for righteousness
- This is the Gospel
- We cannot trust in our works - they are like filthy rags
- Rom 4:1-4
- Abram is a tremendous example of someone who is justified by faith alone
- If you died tonight and were stood before God, what would you say as to why you should get into heaven?
- Christ's righteousness is transferred to our account
- Our sins are transferred to Him
- It is not just a forgiveness/cancellation of sin, but we receive all Jesus' riches and grace
- We are never in debt to God because Christ has paid for our sins
- Abram was relying upon God, His word and His promises
- Example of animal sacrifice (v9 and v17)
- God walked between the pieces - it was a one-sided covenant (God would bear the curse if the covenant was broken)
- A wonderful picture of the New Covenant
- Abram has questions (v8)
- God was showing Abram His purposes
- Abram trusted in God
Closing Remarks
- What are you relying on?
- An eternal Covenant made between the Father and the Son, ratified by the Holy Spirit
- All the purposes of God