Lot went to the Jordan plain and pitched his tent as far as Sodom
Maybe he felt secure there
Lot moved to dwell in Sodom (14:12)
Was it the alluring of the people?
Did he feel vulnerable outside of the city?
Different Hebrew words for dwelling:
Lot's dwelling was a permanent dwelling (v12)
Abram's dwelling was a temporary dwelling (v13)
Some would say that Lot has the better situation and Abram was vulnerable
In fact the contrary was true
He may have appeared secure but actually he was not secure
Abram was secure in God
Is God our shield and exceeding great reward?
The Consequences of our Choices
Lot's Choice
Lot choose for himself - 13:11
He was a righteous man of God (2 Peter)
He was weak
He was choosing his own way in life - not asking direction from God
The 5 Palestinian Kings rebel against Chedorlaomer after paying tribute for 12 years
It it thought the 4 Kings including Chedorlaomer came from the East: from Iraq/Iran
They overcome six different tribes
There is a tremendous defeat of the 5 Kings by the 4 Kings in the Valley of Siddim
Lot thought he was secure but all his good were taken away
Do we sometimes find ourselves in a vulnerable situation?
Lot had to trust in God
The bible speaks about not putting our trust in riches
There is danger in thinking that our security is to do with our environment
Our security must be in the Lord
We should take reasonable precautions and actions but we should not put our confidence in the things around us
No one can serve two masters
We see the consequence of Lot's choice
Abram's Choice
He had a choice whether to receive riches
The King of Sodom and Salem come to Abram
The defeated King of Sodom requests the people back
Abram saw this as a temptation - an alliance with an ungodly King
Abram's heart was not in riches (even though he was a rich man - 13:1)
Abram wanted God to have the glory
Abram was practical (v24)
Abram knew that God was his portion
We need to think about the consequences of our decisions
Abram's concern was for God's glory
The Battles that need to be Won
Abram was not a man of war, but a man of peace
When there was a need he would get involved
"Pursue peace with all men"
Abraham had experienced the mercy of God
He showed this mercy to others
We should show the grace, mercy and love of God to others
Gal 6:1 - "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted."
We should gently restore
Jude 22-23 - And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.
Some situations require stronger action
We should never say 'am I my brother's keeper?'
Chedorlaomer has swept down and overcome 4 other kings
Can you think of Abram and his 318 men to overcome this situation?
The Lord "has delivered your enemies into your hand" (v20)
"He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." 1 John 4:4
Think of Jericho and Ai
The Battle is the Lord's
Finding the Blessing of God
Melchizedek the King of Salem brings out bread and wine and blesses Abram
This man is greater than Abram
Abram gives him a tithe
This is a picture of the blessings that we receive
Heb 7:1-4
The Lord Jesus is the King of Peace (Salem means peace)
The Lord Jesus is the King of Righteousness
Comparison of Melchizedek and Jesus
He had no divine genealogy
He has no beginning or end
Melchizedek was a type of Christ
Jesus has made peace for us and gives us peace with God
As Abram recognised his inferiority to Melchizedek we must recognise our absolute inferiority to Jesus
Yet Jesus offers Himself to us
You will only find the blessing of God in the person of Jesus Christ