Intimacy with Jesus
- What would it have been like to be in that upper room the night before Jesus death
- Encouraging things
- Disturbing things
- Much precious teaching
- Prayed a wonderful prayer
- Gave His peace to the disciples
- Not to be troubled
- Going to prepare a place before His Father
- That He was the vine and they were the branches
- That those who do the will of he Father would be blessed
- The Comforter would be sent
- A new commandment
- A precious time
- They celebrated the passover meal
- They would have talked of many precious things
- A new institution - a memorial service
- Considering the events that led up to the passover meal - The mundane and the divine (v12-16)
- Considering the disturbing truth that one would betray Him (v17-21)
- Returning to the theme of fellowship and intimacy (v22-26)
The Mundane and the Divine (v12-16)
- Life is often mundane
- There are often prepartory works in the church
- Many unseen things take place
- Sometimes unappreciated by man - but always seen by God
- The mundane things - the "little deeds"
- The disciples are doing the "little deeds"
- They are in Jerusalem - an unknown place
- They must have thought 'where will we celebrate the passover?'
- The word 'prepare' comes up 3 times
- Jesus was doing much of the work, but the disciples still had to do their work
- Bitter herbs, unleavened bread, a perfect lamb (sacrificed in the temple), had to be cooked whole (a burnt sacrifice)
- Much preparation had to take place
- If you are involved in preparation there can be worry
- Jesus takes away a lot of their worries
- Worries about where they would eat the meal
- To follow a man following a pitcher - this was unusual and significant since women at this time usually carried the water
- In the mundane activity there was the Divine activity
- God was at work - He had already prepared a furnished upper room
- Do we see God ordering events ahead of us
- Things happened exactly as Jesus said
- Why was there secrecy about the room?
- Perhaps Jesus wanted to keep the truth from Judas so that their precious meal would not be disturbed (for Judas had already determined to betray Jesus)
- Do we wonder why things happen in certain ways - often God has an unseen purpose in it (which we don't understand until afterwards)
- Let us remember that as we serve God in little ways that He is concerned in all our activity
The Disturbing Truth that one would Betray Him (v17-21)
- Why didn't Jesus just name Judas but only say 'one of you'
- Each disciple is called to search their own heart
- This was probably very deliberate of the Lord Jesus
- 'The heart of man is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things'
- They were to partake of the Lord's supper - they were called to self examination
- None of them said 'could it be him'
- None of them suspected Judas
- It was very disturbing to hear that one would betray the Lord Jesus
- Fulfillment of prophecy in Psalm 41:9
- Written in the Old Testament that 'one would betray Him for 30 pieces of silver'
- Written in the Old Testament that 'He would be number with the transgressors'
- Written in the Old Testament that He would be crucified and hung on a tree
- Pain in the heart of the Lord Jesus
- Better for them if they hadn't been born
- David betrayed by Ahithophel
- Psalm 55:12
- Think of Judas
- Spent 3 years with Jesus
- Chosen as one of the twelve - chosen by the Lord Jesus
- Been out preaching
- Had cast out demons
- Heard all the close teaching of Jesus
- Trusted to be the treasure
- Nobody expected him
- He was a tremendously privileged person
- There was no heart for the Lord Jesus
- Money became his God
- Satan entered his heart
- Totally responsible for his sin
- His punishment would be so great because he had tramped all his privileges underfoot
- Not all people in church are converts
- Not all those who profess faith have real faith
- We are called to search our own hearts
- A worse punishment comes upon those who sit in church but are false
- Maybe Judas thought he would betray but could repent afterwards
- He had gone past the point of repentance
- Their hearts are so hard there is no longer any opportunity to repent
- The cross was ordained
- There are many who fail in the bible because of the love of money: Delilah, Demas, Judas
- Do we love money?
- Is there anything in my heart that comes between me and God?
- Judas is a disturbing reminder of someone who wasn't a real believer
Returning to the theme of Fellowship and Intimacy (v22-26)
- After such a sobering moment they could still enjoy intimacy with Jesus
- After disturbing event in the church we can still know intimacy with Jesus
- Jesus did not cancel the communion
- The disciples had been humbled - they had known self examination
- A new covenant - simple words
- No more sacrifice and rituals
- There is free and full forgiveness of sin through Jesus' blood
- The disciples were called to look up, not to look to each other or themselves
- Look up to Jesus
- This ceremony was to help future generations
- A call for believers to think, reflect and meditate
- It is a remembrance service of great hope - the forgiveness of sins and the imparting or righteous
- A time of deep gratitude and joy
- A reminder of the unity we have in Christ
- We are to value and love all people in Jesus Christ
- To celebrate regularly
- To assess and rededicate ourselves
Closing Remarks
- The whole passage is about intimacy with Jesus, even in the simple/mundane things
- Intimacy when we hear disturbing news
- Intimacy when we reflect upon what Jesus has done in giving His life for us on the cross