Old Llantrisant Hill
- Initially his name was Abram but changed to Abraham
- Called the 'father of all the faithful'
- Romans 4 - we are children of Abraham
- "Without faith it is impossible to please God" - do we really believe that
- I don't have faith - you must believe that God is and that He rewards those who seek Him
- Examples of men of faith: Enoch, Noah, Abraham
In Context
- Genesis begins with the creation of the world
- A Sabbath rest on the 7th day
- Adam & Eve rebelled against God so mankind was plunged into the bondage of sin
- Cain:
- Kills Abel (the first child of Adam & Eve killed the second)
- Abel offered a sacrifice of blood and was acceptable in the sight of God
- Noah:
- On a human level God regretted that He had made man
- God sent a terrible flood and only 8 people were save
- Noah believed God when nobody else dead
- Noah made a blood sacrifice after the flood
- Abraham:
- From you I will make a nation - from your seed
- 11:27-32 - his background and family
- 12 - going into the detail (not in chronological order)
- Acts 7:2-3 - God spoke to Abraham when he was still in Mesopotamia, out of Ur of the Chaldeans
The Call of Abraham
- A call to leave
- A call to break all ties with your culture and friends
- Going from a city life to a nomadic life
- Ur was a city of about 300'000 and they worshipped the moon
- Joshua 24:2 - Terah (Abraham's father) was an idolater
- Leaving some family members
- Entering into a relationship with the living God
- "Go to the land I will show you"
- This is similar to the call of salvation
- To leave a pagan mindset and culture and trust only on the Lord
- Abraham's attitude
- He did not murmur or complain
- Obedience and trust
- He offered sacrifice
- What is our attitude?
- Have you been saved?
- Have you taken hold of God's promise?
- Have you taken God at His word?
- Jesus calls you but you must respond
- Have you broken free from all your idols?
- The essence of the call is leaving and cleaving
- Leaving your old ways
- Cleaving to God
- Specific call
- Why did God call Abraham and not anyone else or from another city?
- Neh 9:7 - It was God's choice and electing love
- God in His great love chose a man who didn't deserve it to become the father of many nations
- Ps 65:4 - "Blessed is the man whom You choose and cause to follow You"
Implication of the Call
1. Did Abraham know how long the journey would be?
- It was more than 500 miles
- Did he take any provisions
- Did he know what the end destination was?
- The Bible says he did not know where he was going
- In a world of uncertainties we cling to God
- Many might have questioned Abraham and said what he was doing was not common sense
- Example of CT Stud
2. Called to leave his family
- Called to leave his family
- He did not leave his family but brought them with him
- 11:31 - The Bible implies that Abraham was under Terah's authority
- He is not neglecting his family but is saying that God must come first
- He would still care for his family and fulfil his obligations
- It is the same when you become a Christian
- You don't turn away from your family
3. Took his wife with him
- She was barren for many years - this was a trial
4. They stop and seem to settle in Haran - Terah died here
- 12:5 - However, Abraham and the family moved on
- Do we stagnate as Christians not able to move on?
- God does bless us but then He might move us on to live in tents
5. Settled in Canaan
- Settled in Canaan
- 12:6 - He has arrived in the land
- Abraham has to learn that things are not plain sailing
- We need to learn that there are trials and tribulations in this world
- We need to count the costs as Christians?
- There are difficulties and those who oppose us
- There are sins that try to best us
- 12:8-9 - Abraham was still journeying in Canaan even though he had 'arrived'
- 12:10 - There was a great famine
- How much do we hold onto our possessions?
- Abraham was willing to be satisfied in God and His purposes for him
The Promises of God
- It was the promises of God that kept, comforted and inspired Abraham
- 12:2-3
- Faith:
- Abraham's faith justified him - he trusted in the promises of God
- He trusted in the forgiveness of all his sins
- Abraham became a friend of God - he knew God
- Temporal blessings:
- 13:2 - Abraham went down to Egypt and came out with great riches
- The blessing of Melchizedek
- Greater blessings:
- That we could be a child of Abraham
- Are you a child of God?
- Have you believed the promises of God that if you believe in Him He will save you
- The Gospel promises
- What is our response to all this?
- Abraham built a family altar - 12:7-8
- He calls on the name of the Lord and worships Him
- Do we call on the name of God and worship Him?