The longest discourse of the Lord Jesus in Mark's Gospel
Perhaps the most difficult passage to understand
Context: the disciples asked a question to Jesus
Matt 24:3 - The question was not only to due with Jerusalem but Jesus' second coming
Jesus gives prophetic teaching
3-13: precursors to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem (but also speaks about future events (e.g. v7, 14, 10)
14-23: the event is now taking place
Flee quickly
Such a tribulation that has never occurred before
Seems to be a
continuation - Some have interpreted this as Jesus coming to judge Jerusalem but it is a projection to the Second coming
v30 is a difficult verse, a key verse "this generation"
Do you understand the passage?
The plain things are the main things
No-one knows the hour (v32)
Look at other passages of Scripture: Matt 24, Luke 22
Isa 13:9-10 - speaks about the destruction of Babylon
Must conclude that it is figurative language
Could this language about Jerusalem also be figurative?
Isa 34:4 - judgment on the nations
Is he speaking purely about judgement at this time (on localised nations)?
Rev 17-18: is a symbol of commercial greed and ungodliness
Rev 6:12-15
Speaks about the wrath of the Lamb and the Lord Jesus returning
There will be great cosmic disturbance
The passages in Isaiah are therefore projecting towards the end of the world
This is a clear reference to Christ's second coming
What will happen at Christ's second coming?
For one year a fiery comment was seen over Jerusalem before it was destroyed
Also a sword drawn, an unusual light emanating form the Temple
There may have been some minor fulfilment in Jerusalem but it is speaking in a pre-figurative sense of the Second coming
Creation is groaning for judgement and the world as we know it will radically change, there will be cosmic disturbance, with a new heaven and a new earth
The Son of Man will come
All eyes will see Him
There shall be tremendous fear
He will have a resurrection body
There will be a great trumpet sound
The dead in Christ will rise first
There will be a rapture: Christians alive will be given a resurrection body and meet Him in the air
Rev 14:14-16
Is saying the same thing as Matt 13:27
Jesus is coming for His church
How should we to prepare for this event? (v32-37)
We must consider v30-31
If this verse only applied to Jerusalem at this time, it would be difficult to interpret and understand this passage
Jesus often referred to the Jewish generation as the Jewish people
I.e. the Jews will be not destroyed, there will remain a remnant
v23 and 29 - "all things" vs "these things"
We are to be sure that all these things will take place
We must learn to read the signs of the times (v28)
We must not be overly certain about dates and other details
Be careful about such people - the Bible teaches that people only understand when these things are actually happening
We must watch and pray (v33, 34, 35, 37)
His return will be sudden
No one shall be able to predict this
Not even Jesus knows the day (v32)
We are to be ready (see parable)
He may come at an unexpected time
All the normal things will be happening - we must be mindful
It will be like the Days of Noah and the Days of Lot
Example of the two women milling, two in a bed, two men in a field - one will be taken and one left
We need to be ready for that day
The parable of the Ten Virgins
For those who are Christians it will be a joyous day
For those who have rejected Christ it will be a time of great judgement
This passage is not to be taken theoretically but to prepare practically (watch and pray)
Today is a day of grace and you can come to know Jesus