The Law
Bible Text: Galatians 3:19-25 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Galatians | Introduction
What sort of day are we living in?
Why is this the case?
Post-modernism – no absolute truth
People say everything (including truth) is relative
No authority or clarity
Atheism says there is no God, no judge and thus we are not accountable
Being able to act as we wish
People do what is right in their own eyes
No fear of God
A lot of pain, hurt, despair and sadness
God’s word
We need to hear again the Ten Commandments
We need to return to God’s absolute truth
Today’s passage – the law of God
Context: Paul writing about faith – explanation
v19 – what is the purpose of the law?
The Purpose of the Law
The Limitations of the Law
The End of the Law
The Purpose of the Law
The Judiasers were teaching the important of obeying the Law
Paul reminds people that Abraham was made right with God by faith – not by the law or circumcision
The law was given because of transgressions – v19
The law of God is written on everyones conscience
Human beings ignore their conscience – it becomes seared
We disobey God
The law was written on people’s hearts and minds before the time of Moses
God publicly declared and defined His law
The Ten Commandments – examples and explanation
Honour Me alone
Observe the Sabbath
Honour your parents
Do not murder
Do not commit adultery
Do not steal
Do not lie
Do not covet
The law came to define God’s Holy standards
By the law comes knowledge of sin
The law shows the exceeding sinfulness of sin
Rom 7:7-13
Our heart responds in sinful ways
Paul acknowledged his sinful desire
The law is given to drive us to Christ – v24
It is a tutor or threating school master with punishment
It is a tutor or teacher
The need of a Mediator between God and man
Have we looked into the mirror of God’s law?
Have we seen how far short we fall?
Have we seen that Christ is our only hope?
Quote from Martin Luther
The Limitations of the Law
It was added because of transgression
God added another covenant after Abraham
A mosaic covenant – 430 years later
Until the seed should come
Inferior to the Promise
The law of God was given by Angels to Moses – v19
God’s law came directly to Abraham (no intermediary)
The law came with dark and threatening clouds
God visited Abraham as a friend
The law made men draw back
God drew near to Abraham
The law is temporary
God’s promise is eternal – Heb 6:13-14
The law could not save
God’s promise is saving – Heb 8:7-13
Not opposed to the Promise
But to show us the Holy standards of God and to drive us to Christ
The End of the Law
Rom 10:4
The more you try – the worse things get
The way of salvation is not through keeping the law but through Christ alone
We are no longer under a tutor – v25
We are under grace and not under law
We live by faith
We live by the Spirit of God in freedom
We come freely to God [in Christ]
The world wants freedom – but gone in the wrong direction
God’s word and the Ten Commandments stand
We need to sound forth Jesus Christ
We need faith in Christ and repentance to God – but we are not saved by our actions, but those of Jesus Christ
Closing Remarks