An Attack from Within
Bible Text: Acts 15:1-22, Psalm 133:1-3 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Acts | Introduction
Many people have turned to the Lord and be saved
First missionary journey – many were saved
Began in Cyprus, then Galatia
First Paul and Barnabas, then Silas
They faced persecution but the church grew
Acts 14:27 – returned to their sending church and reported all that God had done
Satan was active
Physical persecution – an attack from without
He seeks an attack from within
Quote from John Calvin
A terrible division
A terrible witness
Certain men from Judea come from Antioch to trouble the church
Categorically preached circumcision
Where the trouble came from
What was the trouble?
How that trouble was overcome
Where the trouble came from
Rumours had spread about Paul and Barnabas
The people of Judea were hearing and were not accepting
They decided to go to Antioch to refute Paul and Barnabas
Consider what was written about both apostles – still these
Judiasers have no respect for them
Gal 2:11-12ff a parallel passage
Paul feels the matter was not initially resolved
Paul believes he needs to go to the apostles in Jerusalem to sort it out
Part of the sect of the Pharisees who believed …
… but they still insist upon their Jewish traditions
Quote from Matthew Henry
Paul had no problem with people following custom – cf 16:3
But only when it was imposed on people
Only when it was considered a requirement of salvation
People from Jerusalem
The sect of the Pharisees
Those who have lost respect for the men of God
Quote from Calvin
Godly wisdom builds up
We must not ‘major’ on ‘minors’
We must concentrate on the central truths that unite us
The people were really causing trouble in the church (v2)
What was the trouble?
A big matter – a matter of gospel truth
They could not back down
Fundamental questions and issues – examples
It had to be dealt with by the apostles and elders
Elders are called to be those who exhort those who contradict
History shows that many Christians have had to stand for matters of truth – examples
Big matters must be defended
The gospel must be defended
How that trouble was overcome
They go to the mother church
Not to a higher authority but the apostles and elders
Smaller churches can employ the same
Are we willing to seek help?
No undue delay – to get it sorted swiftly
A number of people go straight to Jerusalem
Leaving problems can cause regrets
Not consumed by the problem (v3)
They share with the brethren on their return journey what God is doing
They report what God is doing when they are received by the church in Jerusalem
This is a lesson for us
They seek to resolve the matter at leadership levels (v6)
Representatives at this meeting
A ‘Jerusalem council’ meeting
They allow people to speak (v7)
They don’t shut down debate
Three people speak – Peter, Paul & Barnabas and James
Speaks of the salvation of Gentiles
Acts 11:18
He brings a second report
Acts 15:7-11
They were purified by faith
We are saved by faith
Paul & Barnabas
Don’t say very much
Do speak of the miracles done amongst the Gentiles
The people had become silent – the Spirit is working
Confirms what Peter says and how this accords with Scripture (Amos)
That God will build up a spiritual temple and the Gentiles would be part of this
We ought not to trouble – not an accusation
Gives 4 areas of practical advice – abstain from:
Things polluted from idols – cf Corinthians
Sexual immorality – the Gentile world was full of perverse sexual practice
Strangled things
Gives a reason – the Jews have been engrained in one view throughout the generations
Be careful not to offend our Jewish brethren
All are in agreement (v22)
The Spirit of God has led them
They write an official letter – to be carried by Paul & Barnabas but also Judas & Silas
Closing Remarks
We need courage to withstand internal attacks
The people had such clout – Paul and Barnabas would not be intimidated
We need to know when to forgo our rights
We must pray for wisdom to know what practical steps we must take under God
We must search our own hearts to ensure we are preserving the unity of God