Communicating to Edify
Bible Text: Acts 15:22-35 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Acts | Introduction
Thinking about the way in which we communicate
Thinking about the way the apostles communicated
Thinking about communicating to edify
The way you communicate says something about your heart
Out of the heart the mouth speaks
Our mouths reveals what is inside of us
Is our speech seasoned with grace?
How is our heart with God?
A letter of encouragement
A ministry of encouragement
A Letter of Encouragement (v22-31)
Recap from last week
A dissension arose v1-2
The matter was taken to the Jerusalem church/leadership
Three sets of people speak
A conclusion
4 simple rules
Judas and Silas were sent alongside Paul and Barnabas
An official letter – but there is warmth, empathy, understanding
The matter may have been complicated
The letter was clear and precise/concise
More than common courtesy [they are brethren] – v23
From the brethren to the brethren
They are family
We are family
Christ our elder brother has reconciled us to God and to each other
We are all one in Christ
We are not to look disparagingly on our family
How do you treat members of your blood family?
We need to be careful how we communicate with the church
A clearing of the confusion – v24
They are humble
They came from us but had no authority
The false men ‘taught’ – 15:1
The church in Jerusalem is concerned about this
They are making clear that salvation is not by the law
Our God is a God of order
We can be unclear and confused
Jesus’ teaching is emphatic and clear
God’s word is pure – it is truth
Confirming and commending of all that is commendable – v25-27
The pharisees always knocked down …
The brothers were commended
We were of one accord
We love Paul and Barnabas – we know they have risked their lives for the gospel
Paul commended others in his letters – example
Not to verbalise the failings of others but commend in love
We live in age of over-communication
How do we communicate?
We need to think
Faithful are the words of a friend
Sometimes we need to say hard words
This letter was written under the direction of the Holy Spirit
Hear this from two of our own men – who will corroborate – face to face interaction
Do we meet together in love to talk over issues?
A compassionate and clear directive – v25-29
No greater burden than this
4 commands
Recap of above
Their response – rejoicing and encouragement v31
May grace be upon our lips
A Ministry of Encouragement
Men of God they haven’t heard before – a ministry to strengthen the people of God
Explanation of strengthening
Acts 20:32
We build up in God’s grace
God will build us up
Consider our hostile environment
We need a ministry of encouragement
We need to understand the devil is a defeated foe
We need to know our Saviour is praying for us
Example of Adam
Strengthening with many words – v32
To teach
To reprove
To train
To nuture
That we might be throughly complete
That we might be equipped for every good work
Closing Remarks
How do we respond? – with confession, repentance and prayer
We must go back to our own hearts
Quote from Andy Christophides