Bible Text: Galatians 3:26-4:7 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Galatians | Introduction
Sonship – a child of the living God
Quote from J. I. Packer
Abba Father
The Christian is a child of God
We have the Spirit of God in our heart
We cry out instinctively
The Father God is a wonderful truth
The Prodigal Son
What is true about you? (3:26-29)
Why is it true? (4:1-7)
The assurance you can have
What is true? (3:26-29)
A personal address – v26
Paul changes form the pleural pronoun ‘we’ to ‘you’ – Paul is speaking personally to the Galatians
They had been disturbed by false teachers
Many are feeling inferior
They can’t trace their ancestry to Abraham
They are being told that Jesus Christ is not sufficient
Paul addresses them directly
If you have believed, you are a son of God – you are a child of God
You have all the rights and privileges of any child – whether Jew or Gentile
Christ saves us
Through faith in Christ Jesus
The proof – v27
Baptised into Christ
Spiritual baptised
Immersed into Christ
When born again, born into Christ
Put on Christ
Not about taking off or cutting out
It is about Christ
Quote from Charles Spurgeon
You belong to God
The blood of Christ cleanses from every sin
There is no inferiority – v28
We are all one
The Church comprises people of all different backgrounds
We belong to God
We belong to one another
No distinctions in the eyes of God
Heirs of the promise – v29
The Jews were descended from Abraham
The Gentiles are Abraham’s seed
You believe the promises
Jesus Christ is the Seed
All about Christ
Why is it true? (4:1-7)
Paul wants the Gentiles to understand the importance of these issues – explanation
Reading 4:1-7
Example of a child who will inherit
The Jews
Before Christ came, the Jews were under the law
As a nation they were under bondage
Then Christ came
He put Himself under the law
He was the perfect Man
He became a curse for us
That we might have the adoption as sons
A new relationship with God
We are sons
We can now enjoy the inheritance
The Gentiles are sons – v6
The assurance you can have
Do you struggle with assurance?
We all go through times of doubt
Wonderful truths – we are not slaves but sons
We have the same nature as the Father
We have intimacy with our Father
We have the Spirit of adoption
We have the love of the Father
We have a future and an incorruptible inheritance
Do you have assurance?
Meditate on these truths
Remember your freedom in Jesus Christ
Closing Remarks