The Kingdom of God
- Reading v16-18
- Opening Remarks
- This person serves Christ and is approved by men
- Looking at v17 this evening
- This one verse brings us to the heart of the gospel
- We need to focus on the central things
- We must not wrangle over secondary issues
- The kingdom of God is not food and drink (i.e. Little laws about what you can eat and drink)
- The disciples of John the Baptist often refrained from different foods and fasted
- John the Baptist had a rarefied diet - he ate just wild honey and locusts
- Jesus came eating & drinking and brought the word of God
- Jesus' disciples were often criticised because they did not fast
- Jesus did fast at times and went without food at other times
- The kingdom of God can never be defined by eating and drinking
- It cannot be defined by outward or physical things - examples
- The kingdom of God is within us
- The Reign of Christ with the hearts of His people
- This kingdom continues today
- People enter into this kingdom by being born again
- People are removed from the kingdom of Satan and placed into the kingdom of His Son
- This kingdom cannot be seen (though we can tell believers by their fruit)
- The kingdom of God is characterised by three things:
- Righteousness
- Joy
- Peace
- The kingdom of God is not to be defined by:
- Jewish festivals
- Things you can and cannot eat
- Ritual or ceremony
- Where you worship
- The kingdom of God is defined by God's word
- We must be careful not to get sidetracked by the building, the weekly program, our dress, our hairstyles, the communion wine & bread
- We must focus on the gospel of Christ
- Overview:
- What the Kingdom of God isn't
- What the Kingdom of God is
What the Kingdom of God isn't
- Religion:
- Eating and drinking is about festivals
- Paul has said the things of the Old Covenant were passing away
- Food law, ceremonial law, civil law
- Ratified in the blood of Jesus Christ
- People are not to be taken up with external things
- Circumcision, clothing
- It is about sacrifice of heart
- Not true religion
- Only about form, ceremonies and church tradition
- Did Jesus Christ die for this?
- Example of a church in the United States
- Morality:
- If the kingdom of God is principly about how you live, why did Jesus Christ need to come in the first place?
- It is not about do's and don'ts
- It is not about restrictions
- Example of a pastor and his children
- God is interested in our hearts and changing us on the inside
- We should make decisions based on our heart being right before God
- Not what parents tell us
- Denominations:
- Forming different denominations is a travesty of the gospel
- The only flag we fly at Tabor Baptist Church is that we are a bible believing church
- We have our creeds but it is about the bible
- My satisfaction:
- People enjoyed eating meat
- Paul put himself in the position of the strong
- v14 - he grew up with food laws but God changed his mind
- Example of Esau
- The Kingdom of God is about:
- Righteousness, peace and joy ... in the Holy Spirit
- This is what Christian living is about
- Our paradise is not sensual but about being present with the
living God
What the Kingdom of God is
- Something very big
- We should not be nit-picky, like the pharisees
- We should be concerned with the big issues
- Righteousness:
- God is righteous
- God's anger is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
- Rom 1:28-32 – God gives people over to a debased mind
- Mankind is sinful and wicked
- Righteousness imputed
- Jesus died in our place to bring us to God
- Explanation
- That His righteousness might be put to our account
- Righteousness imparted
- God gives us a new nature and writes His law on our hearts
- He gives us His Holy Spirit
- A cleansing without and a cleansing within
- Peace:
- Rom 5:1 - if we know this peace of God we are reconciled to God
- We have perfect peace, everlasting peace
- We can enjoy this peace independently of our circumstances
- We learn to be peaceable people (v19)
- Not conflict, debate and strife
- Though we will defend the faith
- Example of Abraham and Lot
- We do all we can to have peace with men
- A work of the Holy Spirit
- Joy:
- Legalism leads to miserable Christians and a critical spirit
- Legalism leads to keeping up appearances
- What is happiness?
- It is not about worldly pursuits
- All of this is thrown into disarray with a difficult circumstance
- Paul knew the Joy of Jesus Christ after being beaten and whipped
- We can know joy each day
- We have peace with God (Rom 5:1)
- We glory in our tribulation (Rom 5:3)
- This tribulation produces fruit, a stronger Christian, a more God-like character
- The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit
- Words of Jesus Christ
Closing Remarks
- Rom 15:13