Old Llantrisant Hill
- To expand 10 verses from Eph 2
- Expository teaching with three verbs:
- Three readings also
- 2:1-10
- Theme: Life without Christ and the grace of God
- It is concerning when we look at man today
- Sin is throughout the whole word
- Lack of truth, honesty and justice
- Eph 2 is very relevant for us today
- Comparison: man by nature and man in Christ
- From death/the grave to the throne
- From spiritual death to spiritual life
- Before Christ and once changed in God/Christ
- Salvation in free in Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with merit
Reading v1-3
- Shows what man in by nature
- v1 – man in dead spiritually
- Explanation - comparison between being physically and spiritually dead
- Nicodemus - John 3
- We are spiritually dead because of our sin - "the wages of sin is death"
- Isa 59:2 - the unbeliever is spiritually dead, he needs spiritual resurrection
- John 11 - example of Lazarus
- It is only the power of God that brings a person from death to life
- v2/3 – Man is disobedient
- A person lives to please the desires of his flesh and mind
- His actions are sinful because his desires are sinful
- Paul:
- "There is not one righteousness, no not one"
- "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" - Rom 3:23
- David, Solomon, God in Genesis 6
- Three powers that lead a person to disobedience: the world, the devil, the flesh
- The world
- The devil is in the prince of the world - 1 John 5:29
- The lost belong to this system and called children of the world
- The world first hated Christ and then hated the Church
- A friend of the world is an enemy of God
- The devil
- Has evil spirits that demons that influence the world
- Eph 6:11-12
- The flesh
- Not our body but rather our fallen sinful nature
- This nature controls our minds and bodies to disobey God
- An impulse within us to disobey God
- Jesus said from the heart comes sin
- Matt 15:29
- The problem is not outside but inside man
- No spiritual good in our nature
- The apostle Paul knew this - Rom 7:28
- John 6:24
- v3 – Man is condemned
- He is a man of wrath
- John 3:28 - the unbeliever is already condemned
- Outside of man Christ is totally dead, enslaved by the world, the devil, the flesh; and condemned by God
- Quote: John Packer
Reading v4-9
- In these verse Paul shows what man is in Christ
- Contrast v1-3 in nature and now in grace
- v7 - the supreme richness of His grace
- Four key words: love, mercy, grace and kindness
- These riches make our salvation possible
- This is a gift that we do not deserve
- Mercy and grace comes through the cross of Jesus Christ
- God demonstrated His hatred of sin but His love for His people
- v5 - we were raised in Christ - we cannot make ourselves better
- We did not participate in our own birth
- Regeneration is an exclusive work of God
- A supernatural work of the Holy Spirit brings us to Christ
- Brings us out of spiritual death to spiritual death
- The Spirit of God changes the soul of man
- Raised in Christ and made to sit in heavenly places in Christ
- The narrative of Christ's life
- We died with Him, we are raised with Him, we are taken up with Him
- We are exalted in Christ
- v5 - God has given us life, v6 - He raised and regenerated us, He has taken us to heavenly places
- The Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed - The Holy Spirit who gives us life
- The work of Salvation is of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
- v5-7 show the supreme wonder and grandeur of this grace
- He illuminated us to see the wonder of this
- The final purpose of our salvation is to magnify the grace of God
- The real purpose of our salvation is the glory of God
- A grace/present from God - a gift from God, both faith and salvation
- We cannot add anything to the complete work of Christ
- Solar grace - all of grace
- The only merit we have is the merit of Christ
Reading v10
- Quote: 'We are a wonderful artwork of God'
- Jonah 2:9 - "Salvation is from the Lord"
- Predestined to be conformed to Christ's image
- Conversion is not the end of the work but the beginning
- Matt 5:26
- We are created anew in Christ Jesus for good works (not by good works)
- We are saved by faith that produces works
- The question is about the nature of saving faith
- Good works that come from our salvation
- In contrast to the works inspired by the devil, the flesh and the world
- The start and end of the text has similar thoughts
- Evil works at the start - by the devil
- Good works at the end - in Christ
- These good works need to be seen in us for the glory of God