The Great Commission
- Mark 16:9-20 is a disputed text
- Many Evangelical churches do not preach these verse
- The two oldest manuscripts do not contain these verses
- These verses contain 17 words not used by Mark elsewhere in his gospel
- These verses contain some things not said in other parts of the gospel (e.g. drinking poison)
- 99% of bible manuscripts include v9-20
- The oldest two Vaticanus and Sinaticus
- Includes the gospel of Barnabas and apocryphal books
- A third manuscript "Alexandrius" contains these verses
- Other contemporary authors quote from these verses
- There are 17 words not used by Mark in the previous 12 verses
- There are some words not used by Luke in his gospel
- Most of the things quoted in theses verses (apart from drinking poison) were fulfilled in the Book of Acts
- This should not destroy our confidence in the word of God
- No doctrine is every contradicted
- We should consider newer texts that have come to light
- Study of the Greek and Hebrew (including the variant readings) confirms the word of God
- There are over 7500 manuscripts and over 25'000 additional materials confirm
- Consider that Homer's Illyad only has 40 copies
The Different Gospels
- Mark 16:15
- Matt 28:18-20
- Coming along side people
- Teaching them everything (the whole counsel of God)
- Making disciples
- Baptising
- John 20:21
- Jesus is sending the disciples
- Luke 24:46-47
- Repentance
- Forgiveness of sins
Who are to Go?
- The disciples
- They were sinners
- They were fearful, full of doubts (e.g. Thomas)
- They had bickered amongst themselves
- They had been chided and rebuked by Jesus
- They had prevented children and women to speak to Jesus
- They were judgmental
- They were sinners with all sorts of faults and failings
- They fled at the cross/end, one denied Jesus three times
- However they loved Jesus above all
- They left everything to follow Him
- They said to whom else would they go
- In practical reality, how much are we reaching others for Christ
- The Great Commission is not 'come' but 'go'
- We must step out of our comfort zone
- We must go to where people are
- Consider the parable in Luke 14 - 'go to where the people are'
- People like you and me - sinners with faults and failings
- God confounds the wisdom of this world
- DL Moody - a shoe maker
- Billy Sunday - a baseball player
- Where is the Mission Field?
- Europe is the graveyard of the Mission Field
- Today we talk about training the indigenous people
- This is not the be all and end all of missions
- God's ways are not our ways
- Consider Paul - he would have been perfect to send to the Jews, but God sent him to the Gentiles
- The message is go
- Start in Jerusalem
- Start where you are and expand from there
What is their Task?
- To preach
- Not foreign aid
- Mission work is not social work
- It is always preaching the word of God (though may include other works)
- Prayer
- They do not immediately go
- They wait for the Holy Spirit to empower them
- Mere activism will not produce results
- Individual and corporate prayer
- A great emphasis on corporate prayer, on group prayer
- A church bathed in prayer knows much blessing (e.g. Pontefract)
- A church looking outwards spends less time looking inwards (and sees less problems)
- Compassion
- We will not go unless we first feel the need for others
- Consider our own hell bound situation
- Consider the state of our friends and family
- If this doesn't move us, what will?
- Have we lost our sense of urgency?
- Are we lacking courage and faith?
- Only 2.5% Evangelistic in Europe (8% Muslim)
- The task is:
- To go in His name
- To preach forgiveness of sins
- To baptise
- "If in doubt - go"
- Our Mission Statement: "Equipping the saints - to reach out with the gospel"
What is their Message?
- Good news
- The message is of salvation not condemnation
- Jesus came to seek and to save
- People must see their need to be saved
- We must preach repentance
- We must teach and explain what sin is
- Sin is a state of being in our heart
- Sin is also acts
- Sin is not loving God as we ought
- Sin is disregarding God's law (including in our hearts)
- We must teach that people need to completely turn away from sin and to embrace Jesus
- We must call people to believe in Christ
- Not just mentally believing
- Bowing the knee and yielding to Jesus
- Trusting your life to Him
- We preach Jesus
- We don't just preach a doctrine but a Person
- We preach the Living Jesus Christ
We must obey this text