Old Llantrisant Hill
- Easter is increasingly securalised
- Many in school are now being taught about the easter bunny
- The Real Easter Egg was sold last year by Sainsbury's and Asda, but not this year
- Change
- A man from Africa - Simon of Cyrene
- Change in his life and the life of his family
- Change in one of the men on the cross
- Change in the natural realm
- Change in the Centurion
Change in Simon of Cyrene
- He was compelled to carry Jesus' cross
- John 19:17 - Jesus carried His own cross
- Jesus began the long trek carrying His own cross
- He is in tremendous weakness
- He is physically unable to carry the cross
- Simon came from Africa to celebrate the Passover
- Think of the Ethiopian who came to celebrate the Passover
- He had two children - Alexander and Rufus
- It would appear that the sons were well known amongst the local church
- When did the walk of faith in Simon begin?
- Perhaps it was here
- Maybe he stayed on and watched Jesus being crucified
- We imagine he confessed the Lord Jesus shortly after
- His carrying of the cross was symbolic
- Every believer is called to take up their cross
- We are to bare the reproach of Jesus (Hebrews)
- Our cross is a wooden cross, not an iron cross
- Jesus' yoke is heavy but the burden is light - CHECK
- Always remember that following Jesus Christ means taking up your cross
- We see the beginning of change in a godfearer
Change in one of the criminals on the Cross
- A reviler
- Worthy of capital punishment - not just robbers
- They heard the abuse aimed at Jesus on the cross (v29-32)
- People were twisting what Jesus had previously said
- The scribes were sneering, mocking, laughing and taunting Jesus
- They are like the bulls of Bashan and the dogs that have surrounded Jesus (Ps 22:12,14)
- The two criminals also reviled Jesus
- Not one person spoke a word in favour
- One of the criminals changed his mind
- He asked Jesus to forgive him
- "Today you will be with me in paradise"
- His sins were cancelled
- Consider the story of John Rocker (?fella)
- God can save anybody and any time
- We should not leave it to our last hour
- One robber went to hell - we never know when our time is up
- "Today is the day of salvation"
Change for Jesus
- A temporary change in His relationship with the Father as a human
- Jesus was never separated from the Father in His divinity
- Jesus was fully God and fully human
- For the first time he knew separation from the Father (in his human side)
- Jesus cries out 'My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?'
- God is a Holy God and will never sweep sin under the carpet
- He will always punish sin
- In order for us to be forgiven we need someone to be punished in our place
- God has promised that He will never abandon us
- We may feel alone - but it is usually because we have left God's side
- We have often lost that peace and love because of our failing
- Sometimes it because God is testing us
- The truth is that God is always with us
- He gave up His Spirit, He was raised from the dead
Change for the Natural World
- Supernatural darkness
- Jesus was on the cross for 6 hours
- 9am - the third hour, then 12pm - the sixth hour, then 3pm - the ninth hour
- There was darkness for 3 hours
- This wasn't an eclipse of the sun
- An eerie darkness - people were beating the breasts and weeping
- It was such a holy thing that no-one was permitted to see the Son of God
- A great earthquake
- It is as if the earth is reacting to the death of His maker
- The temple curtain is torn in two
- The curtain that separated the temple from the Holy of Holies
- A supernatural act
- God was saying that the way into His presence was open through the Lord Jesus Christ
- There is no longer need for a physical temple and sacrifices
- This event was unlike any event that had ever taken place in history
Change in the Centurion
- He had heard the cry of Jesus, the words of Jesus and saw Him give up His spirit
- He concluded that this man truly was the Son of God
- What is your conclusion?
- You can't be indifferent
- For some He is just a historical figure or a good teacher
- This view cannot be squared up with the Bible - it says He is the Son of God
- The men (roman soldiers) were casting lots for Jesus' seamless garment
- The Centurion concludes that this man is the Son of God
- What is your conclusion?
- Are you trusting and following Him?
- Believe in the Son of God, confess your sins, take up your cross and follow Him